Boys Next Door Ch.64

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Harry's POV: We get too the show and we had too meet a few fans but I wasn't in the mood.."Harry what's wrong?" a fan ask. "My love didn't wanna come tonight." I say. "Well where here too support you! You don't need your girlfriend!" a fan say with a snappy voice. "Hey! Nice too meet you!" Liam says grabbing the girl before I said something. We where all done and the boys kept going somewhere all night and I wasn't allowed. "Show starts in 5 minutes!" Some random person screamed. We all walk by the stage and wait. "Where have you guys been all night?" I ask. "No where getting ready for the show." Niall says. "5,4,3,2,1 show time!!" Liam screamed. We run on stage and start singing "Na,Na,Na" but the whole crowd is so big tonight! I look around the front row and I see a sign and it says "Harry Edward Styles #1 fan!" I start laughing and pointed too it. But the girl put the board down and I saw Kendall's face. "kendall!!!!" I scream in the microphone. It was my solo in more than this and I pointed right too her and she started crying and smiling big. Then it was time too go back and change. Kendall came too the back. "Love I thought you weren't coming!" I scream "Liam can do a pretty good job at getting someone too change there mind." Kendall says. "Okay we'll I am going back to my seat! Later boys." Kendall says running back. "Tanks mates." I say. "Anytime babe!" Liam says. We do the rest of the show and it was about 11 now and I am sitting in the back when Liam and Zayn run up too me. "Hurry get dressed! It's almost time for you too meet Kendall!" Zayn screams. "What are you talking about?" I scream. "You didn't forget about the ring did you?" Liam stops and looks at me. "Oh god I did!" I say. "Okay we'll here's the ring and I want you too meet her here!" Liam says passing me papers. "Okay tanks mates I hope it works!" I say walking out the doors and into my car.

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