Boys Next Door Ch.37

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Maxximus's POV: I hear my phone ring and I see it's Hannah. "Hey Han!" I say. "Hey Maxx." she says. "How are you two loving it there?" I ask. "Umm it's okay." Hannah says. "Is everything okay." I ask. "I can't tell him." Hannah says talking too someone else. "Hannah! Tell me what?" I ask. "Hey Maxx sorry she couldn't talk." Liam says. "Liam what's wrong?" I ask. "This morning around 3 Kendall went on a walk in the hotel and she ran into trouble." Liam says chocking on tears. "Liam is she okay." I ask a little too scared too know. "Louis you tell him." Liam says starting too cry."Hey Maxx this morning Josh found her. She's been hurt really bad. He left us a note on her telling us if we hit him again Ken will get hit ten times harder." Louis says. "I need too go see her!" I say screaming into the phone. "Okay I'll order you a ticket. But tonight where leaving the girls in the hotel room with Paul cause we don't wanna take them out so there gonna be safe while where gone." Louis says. "Okay I'll be on my way in a few hours." I say hanging up the phone and running too pack my things.

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