Boys Next Door Ch.53

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Harry's POV: We have been out of town for about 5 months and I haven't seen Kendall in person since the dinner party mess up and our first time together. "Mates we get too see are family for the first time in months I can't wait!" Niall says with a big smile. "I hear Hannah and Kendall got there own place together." Louis says. "Yeah we should all go check it out when we land." Liam says. We land and all get in the car and head too the girls new place. We pull up too the house and I run too the front door and walked in. "Kendall love?" I say. "Shit! Harry stay there please! I need too talk too all the boys alone. Maxximus keep him down stairs!" Kendall screams. "Sorry Harry will be right back." Louis says. I'am sitting in the living room when Hannah comes in. "Hey when did you get in?" Hannah says. "About an hour ago." I says. "Oh so she told you?" Hannah asks. "No! Hannah she hasn't go upstairs and ask them what's taken so long." Maxximus says pointing at the stairs. She walks up stairs and I hear talking then Louis screams. "She's trying too hide that! Not flaunt it off stupid!" I look at Maxximus. "No questions." he says looking at me. Then I see everyone walk down the stairs even Kendall. "Love come here!!!" I scream running too hug her but Zayn stops me. "What the hell Zayn." I say in a pissed off tone. "Harry we need too talk." Kendall says looking at the ground. She grabs my hand and we walk into the kitchen. "You've been gone about 4 and half months and during that time something has happen and I didn't wanna just tell you over the phone." Kendall says still looking at the ground. "Are you cheating on me?" I asked a little worried. "Oh no nothing like that." Kendall says. "Harry before you left we had sex remember?" Kendall says. "How could I forget that!" I say with a smile. Which made her laugh. "Harry I'am gonna have a baby." Kendall says. I look at the kitchen door where everyone was standing and watching us. "Really." I say with a smile. "Really really." She says. "I'am gonna be a daddy! Mates I'am gonna be a daddy!" I say running around then I go and hug and kiss Kendall I've been waiting for that kiss for months! Today my life has changed and I can't wait too what else it brings too me.

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