Boys Next Door Ch.35

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Niall's POV: I am sitting on the couch when I hear Kendall scream my name like she was in trouble. I jump up and run out the door. I see Josh pull Kendall's body into a room down the hall I run and try and open it but I can't! I run back too our rooms. I push open the boys doors and start screaming. "Wake up!!! Zayn!!! Hurry Harry!!! Liam!!!! Louis!!!! Now!!" Everyone jumped up freaked out. "Niall what the hell!" Louis screams. "He took her! She's in that room! Help her!" I kept saying over and over. "Took who?" Harry asked. I see Zayn look at his bed. "Niall where is Kendall!" Zayn says getting dressed. "She's walked out of the room and then I hear her scream I run down the hall and he's dragging her into a room! I can't open the door!" I say freaking out. "Niall who took her!" Liam says. "Josh." I say looking at the floor. "Shit! Which room Niall!" Zayn says running down the hall. I follow be hide showing him the room. All the boys bang and bang but nothing. "I'll go down stairs and get someone too open the door." Liam says running fast. "Josh if you touch her I swear too god your dead!" Zayn says. Liam finally came back and they opened the door and no one was in there. "look in the closets and bath room." Louis says.  I open the closet door and there Kendall was with blood on her face and turning purple. There was a note on her. *Next time you hit me she'll get ten times the hitting done too her.* Zayn grabbed Kendall and she was starting too wake up. "He hurt me. I hurt everywhere." She kept saying over and over again. "No one will ever hurt you again okay love I got you." Zayn says whispering in her ear.    

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