Boys Next Door Ch.26

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Zayn's POV: I pull up too Kendall's house and I see another car I haven't seen this car before. I walk up too the door and get the key from under the mat. I unlock the door I hear banging from up stairs and I hear screaming I pick up my phone and call Maxximus. "Hello?" Maxximus says. "Hey who's hear with Kendall?" I ask. "No one she should be alone? Why!" Maxximus says freaking. I hear screaming "Josh go home!" Kendall screams. I jump up "Who's Josh!" I says in a scared voice. "Get him out of there now! I'am coming home!" Maxximus screams and hangs up on me. I run up stairs and I see this guy standing and banging on Maxximus door. "Kendall get your ass out of there or I'll go in there and beat your face in!" Josh's says. "Don't you dare talk too my girlfriend like that!" I say attacking him too the ground. Kendall comes out of the room screaming and I feel hands grab me off him. "Zayn get off!" I hear Niall scream. I see Josh get up and I see Kendall who had a black eye. "Get the hell out of here!" I scream. He walks down stairs and screams. "Kendall I'll get you back! And tell your boyfriend too watch his back!" I hear the door slam. I see Kendall run too her room and slam the door and locked it.

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