Boys Next Door Ch.70

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Harry's POV: "Kendall! Hannah's here so you can go talk too the church." I scream. Kendall runs down the stairs and kisses me bye. "I'll be back late so try too pick a best man tonight." Kendall says walking out the door. I look at my phone and texted all the boys the same message. *Kendall say I need too pick a best man and I can't pick so I was thinking about doing a little contest. Be here at 8 and let the games begin.* So I walk around the house and cleaning up a little when the front door opens. "Let the one direction games start!" Louis screams. "I thought you where in your room?" I say with a lost look on my face. "I was Harry I just magically ended up here!" Louis says laughing. "Smart bum!" I say. Then Liam and Niall walk in with pizza and Zayn be hide them with drinks. "Okay so how does this contest work mate?" Liam says. "I have no idea. I really don't wanna just pick one of you. "Then pick four of us!" Niall says with his mouth full of pizza. "Okay! Your all my best man!" I say. Then Kendall walks in with Hannah."Hey babes! Did you get everything done?" Louis ask. "Yeah where all ready for next week!" Kendall says with a big smile. "Okay we'll here is my best mans." I say pointing at all the boys. "All four?" Hannah say. "Yeah.. You can't make me pick between my best mates." I say giving Kendall the puppy dog face. "Fine fine fine. Well I am tired so I'am going too bed. Night loves!" Kendall says walking up the stairs. "Harry you got lucky she loves you that much." Liam says laughing. "We'll I have too go get my beauty sleep night mates!" Zayn says getting up. "Beauty sleep? Mate that just sound so wrong coming out of your mouth." Niall says laughing. "Shut up Niall I will mess you up." Zayn say walking out the door. "Where leaving too." Hannah says walking out the door with Niall. "Oh I can't forget this!" Niall says grabbing the pizza. "Well Danielle is waiting got to go to!" Liam says walking out the door and shuts it be hide him. "Wanna play a video game?" Louis say. "Sure!" I say sitting next too him. "Harry I am glad Kendall makes you happy cause for awhile I didn't think anyone would. But she does and I am glad you get that chance." Louis says. "Aww boo bear." I say hugging him.

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