Boys Next Door Ch.76

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Niall's POV: "Ah ouch!" I scream. "Damn Niall get the hell off me." Zayn says. "Why are all of us asleep in the same bed?" Kendall says with a confused look. "Shh babe go back too bed." Harry say patting Kendall in the face. "Stop patting my face." Kendall says."I am gonna go make breakfast." Kendall says getting up. "Don't let Hannah help!" I scream. "Niall shut up I'am a great cook!" Hannah screams throwing a pillow at me. "Oh trust me I haven't let her cook for me since that one fire in my kitchen."Kendall says laughing. "Kendall you shut up two nothing burned! Besides your new Toms but that's it." Hannah says. "You burned her Toms!" Louis screams and throws a pillow at Hannah. I walk down stair and sit at the table. "So are you ready for your life too change?" I ask. "Niall my life changed the day I met you 5 at the bottom of my stairs." Kendall says laughing. "That's true." I say laughing. "So when are you gonna pop the question too Hannah." Kendall asks. "I wanted too last night but some how we ended up here and then fell asleep." I say laughing. "Well I think you should at breakfast!" Kendall says. "Good idea!" I say running up stairs too get the ring. "Hey breakfast is ready come and get it before I eat it all!" I scream at everyone who was still sleeping. I get down stairs and there's pancakes, french toast, eggs and bacon. "Woah Kendall you cooked a lot!" I say sitting at the table when all of a sudden we hear feet running down the stairs. "Good morning loves!" Hannah says sitting next too Niall. Then everyone took there seat and started too grab for the food. "Wait no one eat yet I have something I wanna ask." I say looking at everyone. "Okay Nialler what's up?" Harry says looking at me. I get on my knee and look at Hannah who was still half asleep. "Hannah we've dated which seems like forever and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you and I can only do that if you say yes too what I'am gonna ask you. Hannah will you marry me?" I say looking at her beautiful blue eyes. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Hannah says leaning in too kiss me. "Gosh I fell like I am be hide in asking Danielle and I've dated her longer." Liam says. "Me too mate." Louis says. Everyone started laughing. "Okay we can eat now." I say smiling. Everyone has changed and everyone is so happy looking around at this everyone smiling and laughing it's a great feeling knowing I have people that will always be here for me and now I soon will have a beautiful wife by my side like Harry has Kendall. Just think we all use too be the boys next door.

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