Boys Next Door Ch.59

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Hannah's POV: It was about 9am when I woke up and Niall was still asleep. So I walk down stairs and I see Liam and Louis asleep on the floor. I walk in the kitchen and start making breakfast. "I'am back little sis did you miss me!" I hear Maxximus scream. "Maxximus shut up!"I scream. "Bloody hell you both need to shut up!" Louis screams."God everyones in a bad mood I see. Where's Kendall?" Maxximus ask. "She didn't call you?" I ask. "Call me why?" Maxximus ask. "She's been at the hospital and she lost the baby." I say. "Crap! I am gonna go check on her! Bye Han! Morning Niall!" Maxximus says running out the door. "Where's he going?" Niall says yawning. "No one told him about Kendall." I say. "Damn Zayn said he would.. I guess he didn't then." Niall says sitting on the stool. "Hannah I have a question?" Niall says. "Okay shoot!" I say looking around for a pan. "I want you too move in with me at my house."Niall says with a big smile. I couldn't speak I just had the smirk on my face. "Niall James Horan! You couldn't have asked me that a month ago when I was moving!" I say laughing. "Hey I was out of town not my fault." Niall says laughing. "I would love too move in with you love." I say with a big smile. "Okay it's official I give up on trying too cook! Let's go get food and take some too Kendall and Harry."I say. "Thank god your not cooking I about died last time you tried!" Niall says running too the stairs and laughing. "Where coming too!!!" Liam screams. "Does everyone scream when people try too sleep in this bloody house!" Louis screams. "Sorry mate." Liam says giggling. We all go too the hospital and walked too Kendall's room where Maxximus and Harry where. "Love!" I scream. "Hannah I love you but you need a inside voice." Kendall says smiling. "Hey can I talk too Hannah alone?" Kendall asks all the boys. "Okay that's fine will be outside."Niall says shutting the door. "Well last night I got in a fight with Zayn." Kendall says looking at the door. "What?" I say I'm a low voice. "Last night all the boys where listening in on our conversation too!" Kendall screams. All we hear is feet running around then a big bang "Damn it harry! Go that way!" Liam screams. "Are you okay love?" Kendall screams. Harry opens the door "Yes love." Harry says laughing. He shut the door and Kendall staring talking again "He keeps telling me he loves me but I love Harry way too much and he hasn't hurt me like Zayn has." Kendall says. "Love I would stick with Harry he's a keeper." I say. "Oh and Harry is gonna move in with us is that okay?" Kendall asks. "Thats fine but I was gonna tell you I'am gonna move in with Niall." I say. "Then I'll just ask Louis if he wants too move in too." Kendall says. "That sounds like a great idea!" I say. "Hannah when did our life get complicated?" Kendall asks. "The day you wanted too met your brothers friends in person." I say while smiling. I hope one day Niall and I can be as happy as Harry and Kendall and maybe one day I get a black box like Harry got for Kendall.

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