Boys Next Door Ch.49

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Zayn's POV: I walk too the dance floor with Kendall and we start dancing. "Why'd you wanna dance with me?" I ask. "I never got a chance too dance with you while we dated." Kendall says smiling. "Oh I see. Well I am glad we get the chance." I say smiling. "Why haven't I seen that smile all night?" Kendall asks. "No reason just a lot going on." I say. "Why are you here with Perrie? She doesn't put a smile on your face. Well nothing really can these days." Kendall says looking at the ground. "Ken being here and being able too spend this day with my friends for you has put the biggest smile on my face. If I don't show it I'am sorry." I say holding her close. "You better chill before Harry see you all lovey dovey." Hannah says walking by. "Oh yeah. I forgot." Kendall says pulling back. "So I hear tomorrow you two are going shopping?" I ask. "Yeah I can't wait!" Kendall says. "Can you do me a favor?" I ask. "Sure love!" Kendall says. "Will you take Perrie and try too get close too her?" I ask. "You'll owe me big time!" Kendall says with a pissed off look. "Okay anything just take her." I say laughing. "Okay okay." Kendall says. We walk over too the group "Umm Zayn you better get Perrie before she breaks that table from standing on it." Niall says pointing at her. "Crap! Perrie! Off now!" I scream running too her. But then I hear a scream from be hide me that sounded like Kendall. I run back but then see Kendall with a knife at her throat and Josh holding it there. "Josh please let her go please we haven't bothered you lately." Harry says with tears falling. "Josh please don't take away the one thing I care for! Please!" Maxximus says. I walk up too them "Take me not her let her go." I say. "No! I'am what he wants I won't put your life in his hands." Kendall screams. "Shut up! Let your boyfriend talk!" Josh screams. "I'am not her boyfriend but I will take her place."I say. "Zayn shut up! No one is taking that place not even her!" Liam screams. "Let her go!" Hannah screams falling too her knees crying. Then from be hide Josh Louis runs up with a glass bottle and hits him over the head and he drops his knife and passes out. "Call the cops!"Niall screams. "God ken I thought I had lost you again." Maxximus say crying in Kendall's shoulder. "Babe!" Harry screams grabbing her and holding her tight. Kendall looks up at me. "Zayn that was a stupid thing too say. But thank you for saying it." Kendall says as she hugs me. "Okay the cops are on there way Harry I think you should take Kendall and Hannah upstairs Zayn can you help him." Liam says. We all walk up stairs and the girls go too there room and get ready for bed. Harry and I are just sitting on the couch and looking at a each other. "Did that really happen." Harry says in a low voice. "Yeah but he's going too jail no more worrying about her safety." I say. "Your right. Thanks for being there for her." Harry says. "I always will be." I say. Kendall walks out and kisses Harry. "Zayn thanks again." Kendall says kissing my cheek. "I love you two. Night." Kendall says shutting the door. Flashing thoughts in my mind that showed me my past with her and how I messed up. I wish I could go back and fix them but I can't and won't cause Harry is happy and so is she and that's all that matters to me.

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