Boys Next Door Ch.46

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Kendall's POV: I get off the phone and lay in bed and fall asleep but then wake up cause I was too excited about tomorrow. I turn to wake up Hannah but I see Harry. "Wake up." I say poking Harry. "Ugh what Ken." Harry says in a deep voice. "Where's Hannah?" I ask. "Uhh sleeping with Niall in my bed." Harry says. "Why are you in my bed?" I ask. "I am your boyfriend love were sleeping in the same bed together." Harry say sitting up. "Harry do you.. Never mind night." I say laying back down. "Do I really like you more then a fake girlfriend? Is that what you where gonna ask?" Harry says putting his arms around my waist. "How did you know I was gonna ask that?" I say with a shocked face. "Cause I wanted too ask you the same question." Harry says kissing my forehead. "You do!" I say with excitement. "Yes. Now it's late and we have a really long day tomorrow so get some sleep love." Harry say pulling me close too him. I end up falling asleep but I get woken up by screaming people coming into my room singing me happy birthday. "Really! It's too early for this." I say throwing a pillow at Hannah. "Well you need too get up are flight leaves in 3 hours. I jumped out of bed and ran too the bathroom but I didn't see Zayn. "Hannah come here!" I scream. "Yeah?" She says. "Where's Zayn?" I ask. "He left he's gonna met us there he had too pick up someone." Hannah says walking out of the bathroom. Where all done getting ready and driving too the airport when Niall gets a call and ends up arguing with the person on the phone. "Who was that?" Louis asks. "Just Zayn." Niall says. "Where are we going? No one has told me yet?" I say changing the subject. "Where going too Dallas, Texas!" Harry says. "Can't wait then!" I say. We arrive at the airport and we all see Zayn waiting for us but he has a lot of bags and then I see Perrie come out of the bathroom. I stop and look at everyone. "Why is she here!" I say in a pissed off voice. "We don't know." Liam says. "I didn't know she was coming." Harry says. "I did that's why I was mad in the car." Niall said in a soft voice. "You should have told us! Now where gonna have drama!" Louis says. I start walking and keep walking pass them two even tho Zayn said hi. "Ken! Don't be like that!" Zayn says. "I can act how I want too it's my choice!" I say walking and screaming. "This is gonna be along weekend." Hannah says walking next too me. We get on the plan and I had too sit across from Perrie and Zayn with Harry next too me. "Love clam down." Harry whispers in my ear. "So how's Harry in bed?" Perrie asked me. "What's wrong with you! I date guys cause I like them not for the sex!" I say.  "Oh I was just saying cause Harry likes too have fun." Perrie says. "Shut up Perrie!" I hear Hannah scream. "Whatever!" Perrie says. I look at Zayn he looked sad. I got up and went into the bathroom and just sat in there for about two hours. *Knock,Knock* "Love open the door." Maxximus says. I open the door and Maxximus sits down and I sit in his lap. "Are you okay?" he asks. "No why does he wanna mess up everything or anything fun I have plan!?" I say loud. "I don't know but Harry will make sure that this is the best day of your life and you know that right." Maxximus says. I smile and I shake my head. "Then go out there and start your fun day with that boy!" Maxximus says laughing. "I will." I say walking out. "Good cause I really had too pee!" Maxximus says pushing me out. I walk over too Harry and sit down and kiss him. "What was that for?" Harry says. "Cause your gonna make this the best day of my life and I know it." I say smiling. "I will I promise." Harry says kissing me.

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