Boys Next Door Ch.28

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Niall's POV: We were all at breakfast and everyone was eating and talking. "Girls you know we go on tour soon too the US right?" Louis says. "Yeah where gonna miss you guys." Hannah says. "Well we had an idea." Harry says. "What kinda idea?" Kendall asks. "We all want you two to come with us there cause we wanna keep Kendall away from that guy and this seems too be the only way." Liam says. "Please!!!" I say too Hannah. "I wanna go! Hannah please we should go!" Kendall say. "Okay then let's go home and pack!" Hannah says. The girls go home and pack while we drive there we see that Josh kids car just sitting in the front of Kendall's house. Zayn runs in her house and helps her too the car. Then I see Josh get out of the car. "How do you like your black eye!" Josh screams at Kendall. I see Harry walk up too him and Liam and Louis be hide him. "How do you like your black eye!" Harry screams as he punches him in the face. "That's what you get when you mess with our girls!" Louis says screaming in Josh's face. The boys walk back too the car and we head too pick Hannah up.We finally made it too the airport. "Wow there are so many girls here." Kendall says. "Maybe y'all should go ahead and not walk with us we don't want you girls too get hurt." Zayn says. "Okay." Hannah says grabbing Kendall's hand and walking ahead. We finally get on the plane and see the girls waiting for us in there seats."You girls ready for the tour?" Liam asks. "Of course we are!" Hannah says. Then we hear Louis scream "Here we come LA!!!" Everyone started laughing. "I hope there ready for our crazy team." I say laughing.

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