Boys Next Door Ch.34

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Kendall's POV: I wake up around 3 in the morning and walk into the living room and I see Niall just crying in his hands. "Nialler are you okay?" I asked. "Kendall! I didn't hear you come in!" Niall says jumping up and pushing his tears away. "Niall what's wrong?" I say sitting next too him. "When you left today I got bad news and I haven't told Hannah yet." he says. "What kind of news?" I ask in a worried voice. "You remember Ali right?" he asks. "Yeah your ex?" I ask. "Yeah well today she called me and we haven't spoken in 5 months and I answered and she told me something." he's says. I had so many thoughts running throw my mind I don't want Hannah hurt please don't let these news hurt her. "She's pregnant." He said in a low voice. "Niall you need too tell Hannah when she wakes up! If she wants too go home then that's what where doing." I say standing up and walking out the hotel room door. I walk too the stairs when I hear a quiet voice from be hide me. "Hello love, miss me." No it can't be that voice it's Josh's voice. I didn't shut the hotel door. "Niall!!!!!" I scream then it turns black.

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