Boys Next Door Ch.47

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Hannah's POV:It was Kendall's big day her party was in an hour and she couldn't wait! Where at the hotel and where getting ready when all the boys come in. "Kendall you look so beautiful." Harry says. She blushes "aww she's turning red." Louis says. "Let's go party!" Maxximus says. "Okay I'll be down there in a little bit." I say. I'am in the middle of fixing my hair when Niall comes up from be hide me and turns me around and pulls me close too him and we start making out. God I want him so bad but it's Kendall's birthday I can be a little late she won't care. "Niall." I say in between making out. "Yeah." Niall says as he leads back into kissing. I pull back. "I'am ready." I say looking into his eyes. "Hannah are you sure." Niall says looking at me. "Yes Love I'am sure." I say biting my lip. "Okay." Niall says winking at me and throwing me on the bed. We start making out and I take his shirt off and he takes mine off and then he starts kissing me along my body until he got too my pants then he took them off and I took off his pants then he gets on top of me and it's amazing I want him too keep going but he pulls me on top of him and he's moaning loud so I go a little slow too teas him. "Hannah no teasing!" Niall screams. So he turns me over so I would stop teasing him. "Faster!" I scream. He smiles and does as I ask. The I hear a voice but don't think and just keep going then I hear a loud sound. "Ahh my eyes Hannah!" Kendall screams running out of the room. "Way to go Niall! I'll let you finish!" Harry says shutting the door. "Oh god!" Niall says laughing. He lays his head on my chest. "I think we just gave Ken nightmares starting tonight." I say laughing. "I think the same. Do we have too go too the party I wanna just lay here all night." Niall says looking at me. "Sorry love but we have too get up. But we can finish tonight." I say winking at him. "Deal!" Niall says jumping out of the bed and helping me up.

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