Boys Next Door Ch.33

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Zayn's POV: I am sitting at the hotel waiting for Kendall too come home. Then I hear the front door I jump out of bed and see Kendall walk in. "Ken! I thought I had lost you!" I say running up too her. "Uhh..Hey Zayn." she says. "I think we need too talk." I say grabbing her hand. "Zayn don't break her again." Harry says. I look at him and shake my head. We get outside."Zayn are you cheating on me?" She asks me. Did she really just ask me that!"No Kendall! Perrie just likes me and I don't so she'll do everything too get her way." I tell her. "Okay. I believe you but if something more happens I can't handle it." she says holding back tears."Don't cry love your my true love. Your stuck with me." I say pushing away her tears." We walk back too the room and see Hannah is gone. "Where's Hannah?" Kendall asked. "Uh two guys stopped by and she went with them." Louis says while playing a video game. "What! You let her go alone! With two strangers!" Kendall yells. "Now you put it that way it sounds bad." Louis says while putting his game down. Kendall runs out of the room and I follow her and then she turns the corner and runs in too someone. "Damn it Niall! Get your face out of your phone!" Kendall yells. "Are you two okay?" I ask. "Sorry ken. Why are you running?" Niall asks. "Uhm.." is all Kendall could say. "Niall.. Hannah kinda just took off with two boys and Kendall was going too go look for her." I say. "What! Who are these boys!" Niall yells while running down the hall. Kendall and I chase after him. We get too the lobby and see Hannah at the bar with two guys. "What the hell han!" Kendall screams. She looked so out of it and hasn't been down here long. "Hey! Clam down she's having fun." Jack says. "Don't you dare tell me too clam down! She looks like she's about too pass out and she has only been down here 15 minuties!" Kendall screams at the boys. "Hey bitch don't scream at us! Your friend wanted too have fun so we where gonna show her fun!" Andy said with a smile on his face. All of a sudden I see Niall punch Andy in the face. "Don't mess with are girlfriends! Next time you'll be on the floor!"Niall screams. I help Niall carry Hannah up stairs. We get back too the room and Louis and Liam are playing video games and Harry walks out of the shower. "What happen!" Harry screams while running over too help. "Those two guys who Hannah and I where talking too put something in her drink now she's out of it." Kendall says. "This is all my fault I wasn't there." Niall says sitting on the couch. "What happen too you! You made Hannah feel like nothing! You pulled away from her. You hurt her!" Louis says. "I am sorry." Niall says. "We all need too get some sleep we have all had a long day." Liam says. We all walk too our rooms and everyone ends up asleep.

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