Boys Next Door Ch.23

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Zayn's POV: Where all sitting at a table and I see Harry and Kendall talking and she's laughing. "Clam down you know she likes you he's just being Harry." Niall says in my ear. I look at Harry and he grabs Kendall's hand. Hannah saw me getting mad. "Hey Kendall I saw a cute store across the street!" Hannah says grabbing Kendall's hand. "I wanna go!" Louis says and grabbing the girls hands and running out the door.

"Harry really." Liam says. "What?" Harry asks. "Grabbing her hand flirting with her!" I say loud. "Clam down Zayn. It's Harry he flirts with girls he doesn't know how too stop that." Niall says. "Fine whatever!" I say grabbing my jacket and leaving.

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