Boys Next Door Ch.29

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Hannah's POV: We made it too LA around 8 this morning everyone was so tired we ended up falling asleep until it was time too get up for the boys concert. "So are you girls ready for your first one direction concert!" Liam asks. "Yeah we can't wait!!" I say. The boys go and do voice check and Kendall and I are sitting in the dressing room. "Hey you wanna play a little prank on the boys?" Kendall asks. "Yes!" I say. "Okay we need too go find two more fans!" Kendall says running out of the room. We found two fans and the show was gonna start in 15 minutes and we asked Paul too help us on are prank. We wished the boys good luck and they went on stage. "Okay when there done singing one thing well run on stage and pull there pants down okay." I say too everyone. They where almost done so we all walked on stage and when they where done Paul pulled Harry's pants I pulled Niall's Kendall pulled Zayn's and the two lucky fans pulled Liam and Louis's pants. "Oh god!" Liam screams. "Kendall Davis!" Zayn screams. "Hannah!!" Niall says chasing me with his pants still down. "Paul I always knew you had a thing for me." Harry says laughing. "Your welcome girls!" Louis says in his microphone. I look at Kendall and I see her kissing Zayn and taking the fans back stage. "Thanks love I needed too have a little fun." Niall said while he winked at me. "Welcome babe!" I say kissing him. I walk off stage with the biggest smile in the world.

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