Boys Next Door Ch.58

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Kendall's POV: Harry comes in and lays in bed with me. "Harry what was all that about?" I ask. "Nothing Zayn being a drama king." Harry says holding me tight. Liam and Louis walk in the room. "What happen! Someone tell me right now. Where is Zayn!" I scream. "I told him too leave." Harry says getting off the bed. "Why would you do that?" I look at Harry and ask. "Cause love Liam and I walked in  on Zayn while he was kissing you when your asleep." Louis says with a serious face. I crack up laughing. "What's so funny? I'am lost?" Liam says looking at the boys. "Nothing sorry. I wanna talk too Zayn." I say looking at the boys. "No I can't do that." Harry says. "Well then I'll call him myself and ask him too come back!" I say in a pissy tone. "No your not calling him and where not calling him end of story!" Harry say in a deep voice. "Harold Edward Styles! I don't care what you say I will call my damn nurse in here to do it for me! If you wanna start a big argument then okay that's fine with me!" I scream. "Harry just let them talk. Something's been bothering him maybe she can help." Liam says in a low voice too Harry. "Fine!" Harry says grinding his teeth together. The boys called Zayn and he got here in less the 5 minutes he was still in the hospital. "Could Zayn finish his shift and you guys go home and rest?" I ask. "I don't think" Harry says getting cut off by Liam."That's fine right Harry lets go." Liam says pushing him outside the room. Zayn came and sat in the chair next too my bed. "Why'd you wanna see me?" Zayn asked. "You kissed me? Why?" I ask. "I guess they told you. Kendall I love you don't understand how much it kills me too be around you and Harry!" Zayn says a little loud. "Why'd you mess up your chance with me for Perrie then?" I ask. "I don't know being selfish and not see what I had was good." Zayn says. "I don't understand you.. You bring Perrie too my party make me be best friends with her and still want me." I say. "I only brought her too make you jealous and that sure as hell didn't work! Just made you and Harry closer!" Zayn says a little upset. "Zayn I love you but Harry has stolen my heart and I can't change that." I say. "Kendall he's gonna hurt you! He'll end up drunk and cheat on you that's just how he works!" Zayn says.  "Well then I see where you got it from!" I scream. "Kendall I'am going home tell your boyfriend too come up here and deal with your bull crap cause I'am done." Zayn says. "I know you are and have been done the day you kissed Perrie!" I scream. Zayn walks too the door and opens it and all we see is Liam and Louis holding Harry back like he was about too hit someone. "Great look your boyfriend is here." Zayn says walking out the door. "Zayn go too hell and never come back!" Harry screams. "I'll be back when she sees your a mistake."Zayn says with a big smile.

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