Boys Next Door Ch.38

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Zayn's POV: I am sitting in the bathroom holding Kendall. "Love it's okay I'am here." I keep telling her. "Nothing's okay Zayn I just wanna be free from him and I can't he won't stop." Kendall says crying. "Ken look at me I love you and if he hurts you or tries too again I will make sure he doesn't make it out of that room alive. I love you and it kills me too see you sad cause of a wanker like him." I say. She looks at me and smiles I haven't seen her smile all day that lit up my world. She leans in and kisses me. "Zayn has Niall told Hannah yet?" Kendall asked. "Tell her what?" I ask with a confused face. "Uhh nothing I'll go see what Hannah's doing." Kendall says getting up kinda fast. "No Ken what are you talking about." I say grabbing her hand. "Niall told me shocking news last night and I guess I was the only one he told." Kendall says. "What news?" I ask. "Ali is gonna have Niall's baby." Kendall says. "No he couldn't they haven't talked in months!" I say in a shocked voice. "Don't let Hannah know yet please! Not yet." Kendall says begging me. "Okay love I'll tell Niall." I say walking out of the bath room. "Boys meeting now!" I say pointing too the bed room. "Is this a sexual meeting cause normal meeting wouldn't take place in a bed room." Louis says winking at me. "Louis shut up and get your bum in that room." Liam says laughing. We all get too the room and I shut the door and put music on so no one outside could here. "Niall I was told something pretty big in that bathroom about you." I say looking at Niall and stomping my foot on the ground. "She told you!" Niall says loud. "Yes and she doesn't want Hannah too know right now. She's been throw a lot today." I say. "Um I'am lost can I be let in on these shocking news?" Harry says waving his hand around. "Us two!" Liam and Louis say while jumping up and down. "Niall do you wanna tell them or should I?" I ask. "I will. Yesterday when I left the diner I got a text from Ali. So I called her and she told me she was gonna end up having a baby." Niall says looking at the floor. "Your joking right Nialler?" Louis says. "No.." Niall says. Then the bed room door opens and we all see Hannah. "You guys are gonna be late! What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Hannah says. "No reason love!" Niall says walking over and kisses her. "Come on boys lets go!" I say pushing the boys out of the room.

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