Boys Next Door Ch.45

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Harry's POV: It was about midnight and everyone was in the living room watching tv and it looks like Kendall and Zayn's conversion didn't go well. "How was your talk with him?" I whisper in Kendall's ear. She looks at Zayn then at me. "Not well. he just wants too be friends with me right now." Kendall says looking at the ground. "Wanna make him jealous?" I say with a cheeky smile. "Why not!" she says with a big smile. "Will you be my girlfriend Kendall." I say loud so everyone could hear me. "Yes I will." Kendall says with a big smile. "I'am going too bed." Zayn says stomping up the stairs. "Harry really in front of him." Louis says. "Kendall and Hannah go too bed we have a long day tomorrow." Niall says. The girls walk up stair and all the boys look at me. "Harry I swear to god if you do anything like what Zayn did too Kendall I'll hurt you!" Maxximus says. "Do you really like her or are you just trying too make him mad?" Liam ask. I had no idea what too say I do like her but she loves Zayn and I don't think she'll ever see me in that way. "I really do like her guys. I really do." I say. "I believe him I've never seen Harry talk about a girl this way. He means it." Niall says smiling at me. "Well we have an early flight so I am heading too bed!" I say running up stairs. "Us FOUR!!" Louis says running be hide me. I get upstairs and I walk into Kendall's room and I see Hannah asleep and Kendall in her bath room talking on the phone. "Keeley I'am falling for him I just told him I would date him too get back at Zayn but I have fell for him I'am just too scared too be one of those girls he gets with and dumps." Kendall says. "I will tell him." "Okay Night." Kendall says hanging up the phone. I run out of the room and into my bed before she knew I was in her room. So she does really like me I have too show her she's not just like all those other girls. But that she's the girl.

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