Boys Next Door Ch.19

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Kendall's POV: I walk over too Maxximus and Hannah. "Don't you ever do that again." Maxximus says with tears in his eyes. "I wanna go home." I say walking away from everyone. "Come on guys." Hannah says. We finally all get home and I walk to my room with a note on my door. *Ken and Maxx will be home next weekend going too visit Keeley. Love mum and dad.*  I walk down stairs and hand the note too Maxximus. "No parties or your dead!" I say walking up the stairs. I lay on my bed and look a the celling then there was a knock at the door. "Come in." I say. "Kendall can we talk?" I hear Zayn's voice. "Ok." I say in a low voice. He walks over and lays on my bed with me. "You know I know all that happen today was my fault and I feel so bad. I could have lost you Kendall I think that would have killed me." he say. "Why would it have killed you?" I asked. "Kendall you stole my heart when I saw you walk down the stairs the first day I met you." Zayn says. I sit up and look at him and I just leaned in too kiss him and he pulled me close too him and I hear the door open. "Kendall and Zayn!" I hear Maxximus yell. I jump off of Zayn and Zayn sits up fast. "Uhh yes." I say in a low voice. "Pizza is here." he says walking out of the room. 

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