Boys Next Door Ch.5

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Hannah's POV: I get woken up around 7 in the morning too Zayn and Kendall freaking out. "Wake up my parents are coming home in 10 minutes!" We all run down stairs all the boys where laying in different places in the living room. "Wake up lazy asses!!" Zayn screams. Everyone jumped. "What the hell was that for Zayn!" Maxxiums screams. "Mum and dad will be home in 5 minutes!" Kendall yells. Everyone jumps up and starts cleaning everything. But then the front door open it was Kendall's parents. "What happen too my house!" her mum screams. "Maxximus had a party." Kendall says. "Everyone go home! Kendall and Maxximus are grounded!" her mum screams. I run up stairs and grab my bag and head out the door.

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