Boys Next Door Ch.44

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Niall's POV: It's been about 2 months since Hannah and I started dating and it's been amazing! But lately Ali has been calling me and going too the news and telling them that her baby is mine and it's bringing Hannah down she doesn't even wanna be seen around me. We all are gonna be staying the night at Maxximus's and Kendall's tonight I hope this gets her mind off of all the drama. We arrive at there house and Hannah runs up stairs where ken was. "So how is the whole baby thing going?" Liam asks. "Not good Hannah doesn't even wanna be seen in public with me." I say in a sad voice. "Its gonna pass. Just have fun this weekend that's what you two really need." Harry says with a big smile. Everyone came into the living room and we ordered pizza and just talked. "Hey! I wanna go swimming!!!" Kendall screams. "Let's go!" Harry says grabbing her hand. Everyone ran outside and starting taken off there close until we where in our boxers and the girls in there underwear and bra. Everyone was having a great time until we hear the front door bell go off. Kendall gets out with Maxximus following be hide her. "Niall! Come here now!" Kendall screams. I run too the front room and I see Ali standing at the door. "Hello love." Ali says with a smile. "Don't call him love and you need too leave my house now!" Kendall screams. "I'll leave when Niall says that I am right and this is his kid!" Ali screams back at Kendall everyone walked in the room. "Ali you have made my life a living hell! I want you too get the hell out of my friends house and when that baby comes Niall will take a test when it shows its not his stay the hell away from him and everyone he cares for!" Hannah screams. "Fine in 5 months you'll get the answer!" Ali says walking away from the house. "Hannah I'am sorry." I say hugging her. "It's okay." Hannah says. We all walk back outside too swim a little more and it seemed like everyone was more happier even Hannah.

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