Boys Next Door Ch.61

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Girl's POV: I'am helping Hannah unpack her things when Perrie walks in. "Why are you here?" kendall say in a pissy tone. "Hannah asked for my help." Perrie says. "Hannah!!!! Get your bum in here now!!" Kendall screams. "What's wrong Kendall?" Hannah says walking in. "Why the hell is she here!" Kendall screams. "I asked her too help me unpack?" Hannah says as if she was lost. "She set me up! I lost my baby cause of her! I got the crap beat out of me cause of her!" Kendall screams. "That's a damn lie! He made me call you and if I didn't I would get hurt!" Perrie screams. "Oh so that's why he hit you once and rubbed my damn blood on you!" Kendall screams. "Kendall how the hell do you know any of that!" Hannah screams. "I was still awake when Harry came in the room! I passed out when they took me out of your flat!" Kendall screams."Hannah you have a new best friend too help you cause I am not gonna stay around here with the person that tried too kill me!" Kendall says walking out the front door.

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