Boys Next Door Ch.54

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Zayn's POV:Last week was when we all got into town and Kendall gave us all news that she was having a baby. That news killed me I felt like my heart was in a million pieces. So I wanted too invite everyone over too my new place for a big dinner I had people making dinner for all of us so we all went into the living room and started watching a movie when Kendall got a phone call. "Hey I have too go cause something happen between Perrie and Josh." Kendall says getting up. "Your not going alone!" Harry says. "Fine then wait in the car while I go up." Kendall says. "I'am going too!" I say standing up. "Fine lets just get going!" Kendall says walking out the door. We get too the house and I don't see Josh's car so Harry lets her go up there alone. We wait about an hour and then we see Josh run out of the house. "Zayn go attack him I'am gonna go check on the girls." Harry screams running out of the car. I run and attack him too the floor and he had blood all over him. I picked him up and walk him back inside. All I see is Perrie and Kendall with blood all over them. "Call 911 now!"Harry screams with tears running down his face. I call and I just wanna beat the living shit out of Josh but I knew it wouldn't be right so I turn my back and Harry attacks him "She had a baby in her! Now you should be bleeding like they are right now!" Harry screaming while he's punching him. I pull Harry off while he's kicking and punching the air. The police run in the room and grab Josh and throw him in the back of the car. The girls are rushed too the hospital and I am in the car be hide them. God why did Kendall have too get hurt the one I loved. I have to many mix feelings about her and I can't I just can't.

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