Boys Next Door Ch.65

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Kendall's POV: The concert was over and I was walking back stage when Louis and Niall stop me. "Okay in this room is everything you'll need too get ready for tonight!" Niall says pushing me in the room. "You better hurry you only have 30 minutes too get ready!" Louis screams. I am looking around at the dresses and all the make up. I hurry and pick out a dress when I hear a knock on the door. I open it and it's Hannah. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "I'am still your best friend even if you don't wanna be mine. I am here too get you ready for tonight." Hannah says looking at the make up. "Why'd you stick up for her?" I ask. "I didn't know anything that happen that day until you told me. After you took off I told Perrie too leave." Hannah says fixing my hair and make up. The door opens. "Is she ready?" Liam says walking in. "Yeah she's all done." Hannah says with a smile. I get up and walk out the door. "Wow Kendall you look so beautiful love." All the boys say. "Okay here's a paper of where too go!" Liam says handing me papers. I look at Hannah and give here a big hug and walk too my car. The paper just says "drive too where you first met Harry." So I drive too my house where I see Maxximus holding a paper. I walk up too the door where Maxximus was. "Hey babe you look beautiful! Oh this is for you." Maxximus says handing me a paper. "Go too where Harry saved your life." Okay we'll I'll see you tomorrow." I say giving Maxximus a kiss on the cheek. I get in the car and drive too the river and see Liam and Zayn holding a paper. I walk up too them and they hand me a paper that said "Go too wear the boys went undercover too see you and Hannah." "Okay off too another place!" I say laughing and walking back too my car. I drive up too my school and see Niall and Hannah. "Hey love." Hannah says. Niall hands me a paper. "This is your last paper and I want you too meet me at our new home where we live together." "Okay we'll I'am heading home!" I say laughing. I get too my house where I see Louis. I walk up too the door and Louis hands me a rose. "Okay love now follow all the rose peddles." Louis says opening the door. I walk in and follow the roses all the way too the bed room I open the and I see my whole room covered in roses and candles then I see Harry. "Harry this is all so beautiful!" I say and start too cry. "Love we have been throw so much and I don't wanna lose you! Will you be my wife and will you stay in my life?" Harry say while holding a ring in his hand. I look at him then at the ring and just start crying. "Yes! Yes I will!" I scream. Then all I hear is Louis scream. "She said yes!!!!! Where gonna have another Styles in the group!!" I look at Harry and start too laugh I get on my knees and kiss Harry.

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