Boys Next Door Ch.32

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Hannah's POV: Did he just pull back. What's wrong with him. I look at my food and feel a hand pull my chin up and I see Harry. "I have no idea what's wrong with him but don't let that get you down okay love?" he says. "I won't." I say. Then the diner door opens and I see Kendall walk in. "Crap of all the damn places too eat." Kendall says walking too the door. "Ken please stop! It's just Harry , Liam and Louis." I say. "Fine." Kendall says. She sits by Harry. He put his arms around her. "God I thought we had lost you babe! Don't ever scare me like that again! You hear me!" Harry says in a loud voice. Kendall's face was in shock. "I've never seen Harry so mad." Liam says laughing. "I'am sorry I didn't mean too scare you like that." Kendall says laughing hard. We where all done eating and headed back too the hotel. "Wow! Do you see what I see." Kendall says. I look up and see two guys walking towards us. "Hey." the first guy says. "Hello." Kendall says. "Hey! I'am Andy and this is my friend Jack." the second guy says. "Nice too meet you two." I say. "Are you two girls staying here?" Jack says. "Yeah." Kendall says. "Oh we'll we should grab lunch." Andy says. "Oh sure!" I say. Then Harry walks up be hide Kendall. "Ken why are you flirting." Harry asks. "Girls get up stairs now!" Liam screams. "Yes Father!" Kendall screams at Liam. "Did you hear her! She called you father!" Louis says laughing hard. Harry grabs Kendall's hand and pulls her up stairs. "We'll see you tomorrow room 108 4th floor." I say walking up the stairs. 

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