Boys Next Door Ch.41

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Hannah's POV: Kendall and I came back from lunch but Maxximus wanted too look around town. We where starting too pack for our trip home when all the boys came in."Hey boys how was the interview?" I asked. "Great!" Niall says kissing my cheek. "Where's Zayn?" Kendall asked. "Umm he went out with a friend." Liam said. "What friend!" Kendall asked. Harry walks over and hold Kendall's hand. "Perrie love." Niall says. "Oh well okay... He'll be back I shouldn't worry" Kendall says walking towards the room and shuts the door. "Why is he with her?" I ask. "I don't know love. He just told us and took off." Louis says. We watched tv all night but Kendall wouldn't come out of the room. "It's been 5 hours since she's came out I am gonna go check on her." Harry says getting up. He went in the room for awhile. Then the front door open and Zayn walks throw it. "Hey everyone!" he says as if he was a bit drunk. But he wasn't alone walking throw the door Perrie followed be hide. "Zayn why is she here!" I say in a pissed off voice. "Where tired where going too my room well talk about it tomorrow." Zayn says pulling Perrie's hand. They walk in the room and I hear screaming. Then I see Zayn getting pushed out of his room. "Get her the hell out of here!" Harry screams. I see Kendall run out of the room and Louis grabs her and pulls her close and Liam walks them too his room. "Zayn go too my room upstair. Perrie go home! You've messed up a lot here!" Niall says pushing them out the door. The room was quiet. Liam walks back in the room. "Let's go too bed okay everyone. Hannah sleep with Kendall tonight she needs you." Liam says pushing everyone into there room.

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