Boys Next Door Ch.31

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Niall's POV:  We all get done with the show and I see Hannah running around. "Love what are you doing?" I ask. "You! You! Ugh!! You!" Hannah screams and points at Zayn. "What did I do?" Zayn asked looking confused. "Nice text! I now have too go find my best friend who is wondering New York!" Hannah says screaming and running out of the door. I look at Zayn who had a shocked look on his face. "Zayn what's wrong!" I say freaking out. "We need too go find Kendall!" he says running out of the room. We looked all night and nothing we couldn't find her anywhere. We all get hungry so we head too a diner and start eating when I get a text from Ali. *Hey Babe, We kinda need too talk. So call me tonight? -Ali xxx* I haven't talk too her in about 5 months what could she want? "Hey I have too go make a phone call I'll be right back." I say getting up. *Ring,Ring* "Hey Niall." Ali says. "Hey? What do you need?" I say. "Uhh.. I kinda just found out something today." Ali says. "Uh okay what?" I asked. "Niall I'am gonna have a baby." Ali says in a low voice. I couldn't think of what too say. "Uh I'll call you back." I say hanging up. I walked back in too the diner. "Love what's wrong?" Hannah asks. "Nothing I think I'am gonna head back too the hotel." I say. "I'll come too!" Hannah says. "No, I wanna be alone." I say pulling Hannah's hand away.

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