Boys Next Door Ch.15

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Maxximus's POV: It's about 10 in the morning and I hear a lot of movement coming from outside my room so I get up too see what's going on. I open the door too see Hannah running around like crazy. "Hannah what are you doing!" I say. "I have too find my phone I have too call Niall!" Hannah says like she's out of breath. "Here use mine." I say handing her my phone. "Thanks!" she says running too the living room. I follow be hide her but then I hear crying so I walk a little faster. I walk in the room too see Kendall crying. "Ken what's wrong!" I say freaking out and running too her side. "He..he..he kissed herrrrrr..." She says crying. I hear Hannah on the phone with Niall. "Give me the phone." I say taken it away from hannah. "Niall what the hell did Zayn do too Kendall!" I say. "He went out with Perri last night and they where caught kissing." Niall says. "Does he know she saw pictures." I say. "No he's still asleep." Niall says. "Well wake his ass up!" I say. "ok." Niall says. "Hello?" Zayn says. "I trusted you too not break my sisters hearts and you go out with your ex and get caught kissing her." I say a little loud. "Wait what! I don't remember anything from last night I was drunk!" Zayn says. "Well that's your fault cause I won't let you around her from now on." I say. "Maxxmius shut up I am not a little kid anymore I can handle my own crap!" Kendall screams. "I won't let him hurt you!" I say. "I am going and I have no idea when I'll be home!" Kendall slammed the front door. "Zayn she's gone." I say. "This is all my fault." Zayn says. "I'll be right there too help you find her. Bye." zayn says hanging up.

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