Boys Next Door Ch.77

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Hannah's POV: It's been 11 months since Niall asked me too marry him in one days I will be Mrs.Horan. "Kendall are you ready too go meet the boys for dinner?" I say looking up stairs. "Hold on let me get Brendon's shoes on." Kendall say. Kendall walks down the stairs with Brendon in her hands. We walk out the door and get in the car. "So are you ready for Saturday!" Kendall says with a big smile. "I am!" I say. We get too my house where the boys where spouse too be cooking dinner. We walk throw the door and I see everyone of them playing just dance 4. "So where's dinner?" Kendall says. "Oh no I forgot!" Niall says looking at us. "Don't lie! You didn't forget we just didn't wanna cook." Liam says. "Thanks Liam!" Niall say giving him the death look. "Well lets just go get something then." Zayn says. "Was that your plan the whole time?" I say. "Yes. Yes it was." Harry says grabbing Brendon from Kendall's arms. "Okay hurry everyone in the cars cause I am starving!" Niall says running too the car. We get too the restaurant and talk about the wedding. "Okay so where going too the beach and staying at a hotel close too the beach right?" Niall says. "I think we should have just rented the whole hotel." Louis says. "Do you have that kinda money cause will allow you too." I say smiling. "Never mind ." Louis say. "Okay what time are we leaving?" Kendall says. "I was thinking 3?" I say. "In the morning!" Zayn say with a shocked face. "Yeah is that okay?" I ask. "Yes that's fine." Liam says looking at Zayn. We all where done eating so we all went too our house too get ready for my big day tomorrow night. "Hannah are you ready for tomorrow?" Niall says while we lay in the bed. "I am. It looks like it changed Harry and Kendall's life but they still have the same love for each other like they did before they got married." I say looking at Niall. "Yeah they do and they have that beautiful baby boy now." Niall says smiling. "Yeah he's a cutie with Harry's curls and Kendall's eyes." I say smiling. "So how many kids are you gonna want?" Niall asks. He's never asked me this I really never thought about it. "Maybe two." I say. "Okay I don't wanna have a house full of little kids if there anything like me we would never have food." Niall says laughing. "Thats very true. Well let's get some rest we have a long day tomorrow." I say leaning in too kiss Niall. "Night Mrs.Horan." Niall says. "Who's that cause I am Miss.Johnson right now." I say laughing. "Fine tomorrow then!" Niall says falling asleep. So tomorrow is gonna be the best day of my life I can't wait.

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