Boys Next Door Ch.50

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Perrie's POV: I wake up too a knocking at the door. "Zayn answer it already!" I scream. The door opens and I hear girl voices. God why are they here I get up too see whats going on. "Are you ready too go shopping!" Kendall says with a big smile. "Shopping me with you two?" I asked with a confused face. "Yeah go get ready will wait for you!" Hannah says. "Is this a joke us three shopping together?" I ask. "Perrie just go get ready." Zayn says pushing me too the bathroom. I hurry and get ready and walk out to the living room. "She's ready Han lets get going." Kendall says getting up. "Okay we'll we will be back later." Hannah says. "Kendall I still think you should take Paul with you." Zayn says. "No, He's in jail will be fine. Okay I had too pull Harry off me too get out the door don't you do the same." Kendall says opening the door. "Fine. Bye girls." Zayn say shutting the door be hide us. "So we planed on going into town do a little shopping and then get lunch and then head back too the hotel too meet the boys for the show tonight." Kendall says. "Oh okay that sounds fine." I say. We drive into town and go shopping and buy cute outfits and we get some what along. "What do you want too eat?" Hannah asked me. "I don't really care." I say. "Okay we'll what about olive garden?" Kendall says. "No sounds nasty." I say. "Then pick a place." Hannah says as she's being botherd. "I told you I don't care." I say a little loud. "Olive garden  it is!" Kendall says starting too drive there. "Fine." I say in a pissed off vocie. We get too the place and I sit alone on one side and the girls on the other. "So how are you and Zayn doing?" Kendall asked. "None of your business." I say in a snappy voice. "Okay that's fine." Kendall says. "So I heard you and Niall had a fun night. Is he pretty good?" I ask. "That is something I will not talk about. Sorry." Hannah says. "Whatever then." I say. The food came and we ate then headed back too the hotel. We get out of the car and the whole front part was full of one direction fans. "Hurry!" Kendall says. "Perrie I hate you! You broke up a cute relationship between Zayn and Kendall!" a fan screamed. And another fan screamed "Zayn would be better off with any other girl!" but then Kendall screams something. "Hey! Everyone listen!" she screams from a microphone. Everyone got quiet. "Perrie didn't mess up my relationship with Zayn we had some trouble and I thought it would be best if we broke up. It's my fault where not together anymore so the only person you should hate is me! Not Perrie!" Kendall screams. She grabs Hannah's hand and Hannah grabs mine and we head inside the hotel. "Kendall why'd you say that for me?" I ask. "Your apart of this big family even if you hate us we all have too stick up for each other cause that's what we do." Kendall says. We all go back too are own rooms and I walk in to see Zayn getting ready. "Hey how was your day out with the girls." Zayn asks. "I really did mess up. Kendall is so sweet and caring and she dumped you cause of me." I say. "I don't get what your talking about?" Zayn says with a lost face. "She just stuck up for me a group of fans where being mean and she's stuck up for me even tho I was a bitch all day." I say. "See there not bad. As rude as you wanna get they'll still be sweet." Zayn says smiling. "Your right." I say. Well I guess I need too learn too be nicer too them starting tonight.  

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