Boys Next Door Ch.52

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Hannah's POV: Kendall and I are sitting in the living room watching tv. The front door bell goes off I get up and answer it. "Hey Perrie wants up?" I say. "You guys are never gonna guess what happen last week!" Perrie says with a big smile. "What happen?" Kendall says. "I met an amazing guy and I really want him too come too our big dinner tonight please!" Perrie says begging. "That's fine with me. Bring him we can't wait too meet him." I say with a fake smile. "Okay! I'll go get ready!" Perrie says running out the door. We run up stairs too get ready "Are you sure she should bring him after last weekend?"Kendall asks. "I don't know but the boys want us close so we have too allow it." I say walking down the stairs too start dinner.Then in the middle of starting dinner all the boys came in. "What is that smell!" Liam says. "It smells amazing!" Louis says. "Hey love where is Zayn?" I ask. "Up stairs with Maxximus. Why?" Niall says. "Well Perrie came over today and she wanted too bring her new guy too dinner tonight." Kendall says. "Who told her she could bring a date after last weekend?" Liam says looking at us and stomping his foot. "Kendall did!" I say pointing at her. "Shut up Hannah!" Kendall says laughing. "Kendall why'd you do that?" Harry asks. "Okay you guys made us become friends so I have too allow that!" Kendall says. "Fine! I'll go tell Zayn." Louis says walking up stairs. Dinner was almost ready and everyone was in the dinning room talking. When the front bell goes off. "I'll get it!" Niall screams. He opens the door and then slams in shut fast. "Niall what's wrong?" Harry asked. "Her date can't come in!" Niall says freaking out. "Let's go check." I say walking too the door with Harry and Zayn. It was Josh her date was Josh. "Why aren't you in jail!" I scream. "Guys what's wrong?" Perrie asked. "Kendall get up stairs now! Liam and Louis keep her in her room lock the door and windows." Maxximus scream. "No! I wanna see who it is!" Kendall screams pulling the boys hands off her. "Ken go upstairs stop fighting." Harry says. "I'am not going end of story!" Kendall screams walking too the front door. She looks at who was at the door and passes out right there on the floor. "Kendall!" Harry screams picking her up. I help Harry put her on the couch and the boys handle the front door."Sorry Perrie we can't allow you in here with him." Liam says. "Why not! You guys haven't even given him a chance!" Perrie screams. "Kendall gave him a chance 3 years ago and he lost him chances after he touched her." Maxximus says. "Plus he just tired too kill Kendall at her own party! He had a damn knife too her throat! That's why he gets no chances!" Zayn screams. "Just cause he's Kendall's ex doesn't mean I won't date him still!" Perrie says looking at Josh. "Yeah we know! Does the name Zayn come too mind." Niall says looking at Perrie. "Perrie love I'am a great guy they don't even know me like you do!" Josh says."He's lying he is a jerk a person who needs to go to jail!" I scream. " I believe him! You just think I shouldn't be with another guy other then Zayn! Well sorry too break the news but I'am done with him! Where leaving too I didn't even wanna be at your stupid party anyways! " Perrie scream leaving the house. Josh turns around and smiles at us."Where never gonna see her again." I say in a sad voice. "Don't say that love she's believe us sooner or later." Niall says shutting the door. "I hope so." I say looking at Niall.

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