Boys Next Door Ch.63

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Liam's POV: I walk upstairs too where I hear crying and screaming. I knock on the door and Harry answers it. "Come in." Harry says. "Can I talk too Kendall alone?" I ask.

"Yeah sure I'll be outside. Okay Kendall?" Harry says. "Whatever!" Kendall screams. Harry leaves and I sit on the bed next too Kendall. "Love what happen today?" I ask. "Hannah told Perrie to come over too help her unpack and she was calling me a lier and Hannah was sticking up for her!" Kendall screamed. "This is why you don't wanna go tonight and support your love?" I ask. "Harry has his fans. He doesn't need me." Kendall says whipping her tears. "But your his number 1 fan." I say. "I am aren't I." Kendall says with a smile. "I have an idea I'll get you a ticket and you'll sit in the front row too see what the fans see too feel what they feel." I say. "Okay. But don't tell harry I am going okay." Kendall says running off and too getting ready. I walk down the stairs and everyone was waiting for me. "Sorry mate she isn't going." I say. Harry's face looked like he'd just been punched. "Hey Lou and Niall come outside real quick please." I say. We walk outside and I shut the front door. "Okay so Kendall is going so I need y'all too get everything ready for tonight. Cause I want Harry too ask her tonight when he see's her in the crowd like she's a fan." I say with a big smile. "Okay everyone needs too go get ready!" Louis says running inside. "Okay our fans are waiting at the concert for us! The show starts in two hours we have too hurry and get there!" Niall says. Everyone grabs there stuff and rushed out the door. Tonight's gonna be a good night.

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