Boys Next Door Ch.36

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Hannah's POV: I woke up around 9am everyone was still asleep. God my head is hurting so bad I can't remember anything. I walk in the kitchen and I see Kendall sitting on a stole. "Hey love why are you up so early?" I ask. "No reason couldn't sleep." she said looking away. "Kendall look at me. What's wrong?" I ask trying too turn her around. "Hannah I wouldn't bother. She won't look at us." I hear Harry from be hide me. "What happen last night?" I ask Harry. "You being dumb left the room with two strangers and they put stuff in your drink!" Kendall screamed at me. "Ken! It's not her fault what happen too you!" Harry says a little loud. "What happen too ken!" I ask freaking out. "Kendall please look at us." I hear Liam say. I see Zayn go up too her and tell her it's okay. She turns around and her face is purple and has stitches on her lips. "Oh my god. Who did that!" I scream starting too cry. Kendall runs too the bath room and locks the door and all we hear is her crying loud. "Josh found her." Niall says. "Is he in jail!" I scream. "No he got out throw the room window." Louis says. "Then it is my fault." I say. "No it's not." Niall says. "Boys we kinda have interviews and a concert tonight." Liam says. "Okay will go but leave Paul here too watch the girls please!" Zayn asks. "Okay I'll go call him and tell him everything." Harry says walking into the bed room. "She's gonna be okay? Right?" I ask Niall. "She's be okay love. I promise." Niall says. "Well I have too go call Maxximus and tell him." I say walking too my room.

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