Boys Next Door Ch.10

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Niall's POV: Everyone got out of the car and everyone looked so happy. I put my hand down too grab Hannah's  hand she looks at me and smiles. "I wanna go ride that!" Kendall says. "I wanna go play that game!"Hannah says. "It looks like where going different ways!" I say laughing. "Fine with me." Zayn says. "Okay meet back here at 9." Kendall says. Hannah and I walk over too a ring toss game. "aw that bear is so cute!" Hannah says. "Okay I'll win it for you." I say winking at her. I was trying my hardest too win it and I finally got it. "Here you go love." I say. "Aww Niall thanks." Hannah say while kissing me on the cheek. I started too blush a little. We walked around a while until she wanted too go on a ride. We sat in the ride and had too wait a while for it too start. "Hannah can I ask you something?" I ask. "Sure." she says. "I know we have only known each other about two weeks but I like you a lot I was just seeing if you wanted too be my girlfriend?" I ask. "Niall I would love too be your girlfriend." Hannah said with this amazing smile of her's. The ride was over and it was about too be 9 we had too go met up with Kendall and Zayn for dinner.

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