Boys Next Door Ch.60

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Harry's POV: We took Kendall home and she wanted too talk too Louis and I so we sat on the couch and waited till she came down the stairs with Hannah. Hannah came down the stairs with a box and Niall had two boxes. "Where you going Hannah?" I ask. "That's what I wanna talk too you two about." Kendall says hopping down the stairs. "What love?" Louis ask. "Lou do you wanna move into my place with Harry? Cause Hannah is moving in with Niall?" Kendall says. "Really he can!!!!!" I says jumping up and down. "I can!!" Louis says jumping in a circle. "I take that as a yes." Kendall says laughing. "We'll Hannah lets get these boxes in the car." Niall says laughing. "Hey Louis come outside real quick I wanna talk too you three. Kendall lay down and watch tv." I say. "I'am hungry tho." Kendall says. "Lay down or I'll get Louis too sit on you and make sure you stay!" I say pointing my finger at her and tapping my foot. "Aww when your mad it's so cute." Louis says laughing. "Get your bum outside!" I say pushing Louis out the door. We walk outside and we all get in a circle. "Okay so tomorrow we have a show and I want Kendall too go cause I wanna prepose too her after the concert. But I have no idea where!" I say freaking out. "Okay I'll plan it and you'll two will love it!" Hannah says with a big smile. "I'll help too!!!" Louis say jumping up and down and waving his hand around. "Okay Lou can help me." Hannah says. "Okay we'll be back in an hour and well bring dinner and we have too have a band meeting so Zayn has too come okay." Niall says. "Fine.." I say giving Niall a dirty look. "Okay will be right back!" Niall says getting into his car. God I hope they can pull off this purposely or I'am died.

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