Boys Next Door Ch.51

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Kendall's POV: Everyone had an amazing week but being home is such a great feeling I'am so tired and everyone is going out tonight. "Hey I'am gonna take a nap." I say. "I think all of us are be hide you." Zayn says following. I run and jump in my bed and I lay and felt someone getting in my bed I look up and see Louis and Liam laying in my bed with me. "Are you two okay? Is there a reason your in my bed?" I say laughing. "Maxximus has Zayn and Perrie and Niall and Hannah have the guest room and your bed is warmer." Louis says falling asleep. I turn over and close my eyes when I hear a voice."You three better make room for me." Harry says looking at us. "Come here love." I say patting my chest. Harry comes and lays on top of me and we all fall asleep. "Wake up lazy butts!!!!!!" Hannah screams. Everyone jumps and Harry falls off the bed. "Damn Hannah! Next time warn me before you scream so I don't end up on the floor!"Harry screams "Sorry Harry!" Hannah screams from the other room. Everyone got up and started getting ready. "Hey I think all the girls should go out and let us just have a guys night here." Maxximus says. "Okay that's fine with us." I say. We're all ready too go so we walk too the door. "Hey Kendall can we talk?" Harry says pulling my hand. "Sure, hey girls go wait in car I'll be there in a bit." I say. "I just want you too be safe tonight okay. No talking too boys too!" Harry says laughing. "Okay love I won't. But I just can't keep them off of me." I say winking at Harry. "Hey that's my saying! Ken I want you to know I care about you and I really do love you." Harry says. He just told me he loves me god I hope he really means it cause I would do anything for this boy. "Harry I love you too more then you even know." I say with a big smile and lean into kiss him. I walk out the door and get too the car and we finally  get to the bar and Perrie starts chugging drinks back Hannah and I are just talking and having a great time until Zayn came in the bar looking so mad I grab Hannah and we walk over too Perrie and Zayn. "Zayn what are you doing here?" I ask. "I need too talk too Perrie." Zayn said in a pissed off tone. "Perrie! What the hell! A guy just called me asking for you! He said he in joyed the other night with you! Can you tell me what that is about!" Zayn says screaming. "I had a little fun what's the big deal!" she screams. "Where over! I got dumped by an amazing girl who cared for me cause I decide to pick a girl who doesn't give a damn about me!" Zayn says walking out. "Zayn please come back we need too talk! I'll take you home. Crap Perrie catch a cab!" I say running out the bar.

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