Boys Next Door Ch 55

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Niall's POV: All of us are sitting in Zayn's living room waiting for them too get back from Perrie's flat. Then Liam's phone goes off. "No! Okay okay clam down mate. Okay where on our way." Liam says into the phone. "Okay we have an emergency tell the cooks too stop cooking and will pay them tomorrow." Liam says running out the door. Everyone followed him into the car. "Liam what's going on!" Louis says looking at him. "Something happen too Kendall and Perrie there on there way too the hospital. Josh beat them up bad that there was blood everywhere." Liam says. "Where was Harry and Zayn when this was happening!!!" Hannah screams. "In the car waiting for Kendall too come back. But Harry saw Josh running away from the house and Zayn attacked him and the cops have him now." Liam says driving over the limit. We finally make it into the hospital and I see Harry crying in Zayn's chest and Zayn crying in Harry's hair. "Is she okay? Please tell me she is. Please!" Hannah says looking at Zayn. "Han, Kendall lost the baby and that messed with a lot of things in her stomach." Zayn says holding back the rest of his tears. "What about Perrie?" I ask. "She's fine! My love went in there too save her and it was all a trap too let Josh beat Kendall up!" Harry says screaming. "No Perrie didn't say that she just wasn't touched or hurt like Kendall." Zayn says looking at Harry. "You know what go too Perrie and be with her cause I don't want you anywhere near Kendall when she wakes up if your taken Perrie's side!" Harry says standing up. "Uh do I have a Mr.Styles out here?" A doctor ask. "Yes that's me!" Harry says running too the doctor. "She's okay but when she wakes up don't tell her about the baby unless she asks." The doctor says. "Okay I won't." Harry says looking at the ground with tears falling. I'am holding Hannah when I get a text *The baby is here! It's a boy and my lawyers are here so you can get a DNA test done! I'am waiting in room 203B. Let's get this over with! -Ali* "Han I have too go Ali is here and she wants me too go take a DNA test." I say looking at Hannah and her beautiful blue eyes filled with tears. "Never mind that can wait you need me more then anything else." I say hugging her tight. "Thanks Niall I really do need you right now." Hannah says crying into my chest. "Hey,there gonna let us three in the room the rest have too go home unless you two need too go home too?" Harry says looking at us. "No! Harry I'll be here till she opens her eyes and smiles at you." I say smiling at him cause I needed him too smile at least once tonight. "Thanks." Harry says smiling and walking too Kendall's room. I grab Hannah's hand and we start walking too Kendall's room too. "Hey Niall?" Hannah says. "Yes love?" I say looking at her. "I love you for staying here with me but I really want you too go take the DNA test for me. Please." Hannah says. "Okay only for you. I'll be back in a little bit call me when she wakes up." I say walking down the hall. "I love you Niall!" Hannah screams down the hall. I turn around and smile "I love you too babe." I say with a big smile on my face. I hope too god this baby isn't mine or I may lose the one thing I love.

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