Boys Next Door Ch.42

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Zayn's POV: I wake up but I noticed I'am not in my room. I get up and walk too my room. I open the door and see Harry holding Kendall on the couch. "Why are you holding my girlfriend? Why wasn't I in my room last night?"  I ask. I see Kendall get up and walk in to our room. "Hey love what's wrong?" I ask. "Go too hell!" she screams as she slams the door in my face. I look at everyone with a confused look on my face. "What did I do?" I asked. "Do you remember anything from last night?" Harry says. "I do kinda I went out with Perrie then came home? But what's the big deal?" I ask. "Your a jerk!" Hannah screams walking pass me. "Let's all pack our things where leaving for home today." Liam says. I walk too my room door but Harry stops me "Wait I have too be in there with you when Kendall's in there." he says. "Why! She's my girlfriend it's not like I'am gonna hurt her!" I say in a pissed of tone."Last night you hurt her so today I don't trust you with her." Harry says walking in my room. We walk in the room and the girls don't even look up. I walk too the bathroom too brush my teeth and I hear laughing I look and see Harry holding Kendall's underwear. "Oh Kendall these are sexy girl!" Harry say laughing. "Harry chill!" I scream. "Zayn you need too chill and back off he's just trying too make her smile!" Hannah says in a pissed off voice."I'am done packing but I need too talk too Zayn real quick." Kendall says. I walk over too Kendall and everyone leaves the room. "Zayn you coming home with Perrie last night wasn't okay! I'am sorry but if you wanna mess around with her don't do it when your dating me so as of right now where over. I'am done getting hurt by you." Kendall says walking towards the door. "Kendall that's not okay! Where dating but I wanna go out and have fun unlike you! You rather stay in this hotel all day and do nothing!" I say. She opens the door half way. "Zayn where over. That's just that." Kendall says walking out. 

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