Boys Next Door Ch.8

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Kendall's POV: It was lunch time and me and Hannah went outside too eat but I couldn't all I could do was think about Zayn. "Uhh Kendall do you see these 5 creepy guys walking over too us?" Hannah says in a freaking out voice. I look up and I see 5 guys but wait I know them! I jump up and run too Zayn. "Kendall don't they could rape you!!!" Hannah says running after me. "What! Rape you!! Why would we do that!" Niall says taking off his glasses and hat while he's laughing. "Kendall I missed you." Zayn says hugging me tight. "Why do you guys look so creepy." Hannah says. "Where undercover!" Louis screams. We all walk over and sit at a table."Kendall when are you gonna be ungrounded?" Liam asks. "Tomorrow." I say with a big smile. "Great! Cause where all going too a big amusement park tomorrow night." Louis says. "Great then it's a date!" Zayn says winking at me. "Well we have too get back too class." Hannah says. "Ok loves see you tomorrow." Niall says smiling at Hannah. We walk inside the school but I still can't get Zayn off my mind.

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