Chapter #1: The dark dragon and the happy hungry bunch

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Btw guys, this book will include spoilers from the manga so if you want to experience the manga outside of this book, then I suggest you do not read further

You have been warned



Third Person POV

In a village at the border of the fire tribe, people are being attacked and killed by bandits. A woman is trying to get to her son, who was being kicked onto the ground by bandits. She was grabbed by her hair and dragged back towards the bandit

"No! Please! Spare my son!" A woman screamed and tried to get to her wounded son. The bandit gripped her hair tighter and dragged her back while his comrades kicked a young boy in the stomach.

"No! Stop!" The woman screams and she feels her whole body hit the ground. She quickly gets up and looks behind her. The bandit that had previously held her by her hair was now on the ground, dead. She looked behind her and saw a tall man with green hair. He smiled and reached out his hand for her to take.

"Let me help you up, my dea--" He started but was interrupted by the woman. She got up, screamed and ran up to the young boy. The green haired man stood there, dumbfounded, when all of a sudden someone broke into a laughing mess.

"Jea-ha, how does it feel to finally be rejected?" A young woman said while falling over from laughing. A tall and muscular man grabs her shoulders and helps her up. The muscular man smirks as the green haired man walks over to them and stands next to a white haired man with a hand full of scales.

At this point, the other bandits had noticed what was happening. They all went up and stood in a circle, stopping the woman and her friends from leaving.

"Who are you?!" One bandit said and unsheathed his sword. His comrades did the same while waiting for a response. The woman smirked.

"We are the dark dragon and the happy hungry bunch, bandits who have just claimed this territory as our own" She answered, proudly. Silence filled the village as everyone tried to process what she had said. The silence was broken by a bandit who broke out laughing.

"The dark dragon and the happy hungry bunch? What are you, twelve?" He said as some of his comrades joined in on his laughing.

"She says it with such confidence to!" Another bandit said. Soon enough, the bandits calmed down and turned serious.

"With a name like that, you can't possibly be that strong" A bandit, supposedly the leader, said with a smirk.

Three seconds later, the bandits came rushing towards the dark dragon and the happy hungry bunch. The muscular man and the white haired man jumped in front of the woman and easily defeated bandit after bandit. A masked man defeated the ones behind the woman as the green haired man jumped into the sky and threw down small daggers with such force that it cut of hair from one of the bandits, making him retreat in fear.

The fight continued until the leader, fuming with anger, surrendered and retreated with the bandits that hadn't been defeated. The dark dragon and the happy hungry bunch helped the villagers with their food and their injuries until dawn.


Aria POV

"Did you hear him?! He dissed the name I gave for our bandit group!" I exclaimed and crossed my arms.

"It is pretty stupid" Hak said while starting a fire. Shin-ah held me back from running up to Hak and pushing him into the fire.

"How dare you call the beautiful name of our bandit group 'stupid?!" I shouted at him in anger. Yoon turned around from the meat that he was preparing and looked at me.

"Don't call it a bandit group, it's just a cover up name. And I agree with the thunder beast, it sounds pretty stupid" Yoon said and turned back to the meat. My jaw dropped. I picked up my jaw from the ground before going to Jea-ha and sitting next to him.

"Mother called my name for our group stupid...." I said with tears in my eyes. Jea-ha saw that and hugged me.

"Ah, you made her cry Mother" Jea-ha said and patted my head.

"Ever heard of crocodile tears?" Hak said and smirked.

"Exactly. And I'm not your mother" Yoon said and put the meat over the fire that Hak had started. My jaw once again dropped.

"Mother...Am I adopted?!" I exclaimed but Yoon didn't answer. Just then, Kija and Zeno came back with enough water to put out the fire and some to drink.

"Eh?! Why is miss crying?" Zeno asked and looked at me. I pointed at Yoon and Hak while glaring at both of them.

"Mother and Hak dissed our group name" I muttered, loud enough for Zeno and Kija to hear. Zeno gasped and pushed Jea-ha away so that he could grab my hand in his.

"Don't listen to mister! He's just jealous that Zeno and Miss were the ones that came up with that name!" Zeno explained and smiled. Hak's eyebrow twitched and he looked annoyed.

"Oi-" He started.

"Really?" I asked with a smile.

"Yes!" Zeno said happily.

"How did you even come up with that name?" Kija asked and placed the water down next to Yoon. Me and Zeno looked at Kija and then at each other as we thought back to when we did.


Me and Zeno were collecting sticks for a  when I proposed the idea that we could come up with a name for our group and disguise ourselves as bandits.

"Zeno thinks that is a great idea!" He said and smiled before we started thinking about a name. We talked about Hak and how he was like a dark dragon.

"What if we call our group 'The dark dragon and the happy bunc--" I started but Zeno's stomach interrupted me by growling long and loud. Zeno smiled and laughed.

"We'll call it 'The dark dragon and the happy hungry bunch'!" He exclaimed and started running back to camp. I ran after him, trying not drop all of the sticks that we gathered.

Flashback ended




I'm back now with another book! I have really high expectations for this one and I hope that I will be able to carry them out for you all :)

These chapters will probably be shorter than the other ones in my other book, but there will be more of them so yeah

Thank you all for reading! Bye 👋

Next chapter: Chapter #2: The meeting at the cliff

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