Chapter #48: Back in the water tribe

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Aria POV

I couldn't stop smiling.

If I've counted the days since I came here correctly, today should be my birthday!

"What are you looking so happy for, Aria?" Yoon asked me as we looked around the town we were in.

"Today is my birthday!" I exclaimed and smiled even bigger. He looked surprised.

"Oh, happy birthday. Wait, how old are you anyway?" He asked me. I thought for a minute.

That's right, I have never told them that, have I?

"Ah, you see, today I'm exactly 1869 years—"  I started but Yoon whacked me on my head.

"...but I'm also 16" I said and scratched my neck. Jea-ha smirked and thought with his thumb and index finger on his chin.

"Legal, I see" He said before being punched by Hak and yelled at by Yoon.

"Indeed, Jea-ha! Which is why I will now drink alcohol for the first time! Everyone, tonight is the night! Shame on those who don't get drunk!" I exclaim while the others sweat drop.

"Here's a little money, but something for yourself" Yoon handed me a bag of coins. I took it and quickly hugged him.

"Thanks mom! Jea-ha, let's go to the liquor store!" I said and jumped onto his back. Jea-ha was about to jump into the sky when I spotted a jeweler standing by a small stand.

"Wait Wait Wait Jea-ha! Let's go over there first!" I said and got down from his back to run up to the stand. I looked at all the jewelry in awe as the owner told me about the necklaces and rings. Jea-ha, Zeno and Kija came up behind me and Jea-ha put his hand on my back.

"It's not wrong to get yourself a little something every now and then, especially not on your birthday" Jea-ha said and looked at the jewelry. A ring and a necklace caught my attention. The man saw me looking at them and smiled confidently.

"Ah, I see that you're interested in that necklace and that ring! This necklace is a guardian gem that can heal and brings happiness to whoever wears it!"

"And the ring?"

"See this red stone? It's said to be a part of THE king Hiryuu's red scales before he descended to earth to rule Kouka! It's said to bring Hiryuu's divine protection to whoever wears it!" I knew that he made this up to sell it, but it really was a beautiful ring. It reminded me of dad's necklace and I felt like I recognized it from somewhere. As for the necklace, I can think of someone to give it too.

"I'll take both of them" I said and smiled. The man chuckled in happiness and thanked me for buying them while picking them up. I gave him the money for it and he gave me the ring and the necklace. I took them and walked away.

"Woah, you bought two things?" Zeno said next to me. I nodded and put the ring on my finger.

"Zeno, did this ring belong to my father?"

"Don't remember!" He said and gave me a goofy smile. I looked around for Hak and saw him sitting down, almost sleeping. I walked up to him and put my finger on his forehead to wake him up. When he didn't open his eyes, I prepared to slap him, but he caught my wrist and slowly opened his eyes.

"So you were awake?"

"Yes, so what do you want?"

"I actually need you to close your eyes again, so...." I said, dragging out the 'o'. He sighed and closed his eyes again. I placed the necklace around his neck. I studied it before letting go of it. It hit Hak's chest lightly.

A small chard of some kind of blue material. Simple, but a nice accessory.

"Open your eyes now" I said and watched as he slowly opened his eyes. He looked at the necklace and looked at me weirdly.

"A piece of glass?" I punched him lightly.

"I used my birthday allowance for that, so fuck you" I said and walked away, pretending to be mad. He caught my wrist and dragged me back.

"Right, right, I'm sorry. What is it?" He said and took my hand instead.

"It's a necklace. The man in the store said that it's a guardian gem that can heal and bring happiness to whoever wears it" I said and smiled. He looked at me intensely before bringing my hand to his mouth and lightly kissed it.

"Thank you. Thank you very much" He said before looking at the ring on my finger. He cocked an eyebrow at me.

"Ah, Jea-ha proposed to me. He said that if I married him, he'd give me a night that I would never forget. I wonder what he meant" I said and looked thoughtful. Hak's expression darkened and he quickly stood up and walked over to Jea-ha.

He must be so tired that he didn't even stop to think about what I said

"And that's the end of the green dragon's nighttime 'pranks'" I said and chuckled evilly.

"My, my, what a cruel girl"

"Woman, actually. You see, today is my—" I said but interrupted myself when my brain realized that I recognized the voice. I swiftly turned around and smiled brightly.

"Ayura, Tetora!" I exclaimed.


Okay so I don't think Hak receives the necklace here in the manga but whatever mY BOOK MY RULES MUHAHAHAHAH

Oh and in case you haven't realized yet i have spelled Nadai wrong in the entire book (I spelled it Nadia) so if I've spelled it wrong somewhere else please call me out on it :)

Anyway I hoped you enjoyed the chapter <333

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