Chapter #18: The war between the tribes (PT. 3)

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Aria POV

I froze when my gaze met Soo won's. I could see that his body tensed up when he saw me. I walked up to Hak, who had also seen them.

"...Aria?" He said, like he was trying to see if it was really me. I looked behind him and saw Joo doh and Guen-Tae coming up. They stopped next to him and looked at me, surprised.

"You? What are you doing here?" Guen-Tae said and I almost choked on air. I thought he meant Hak and I turned around to look at him. He still had his cloak on so it covered his face so Soo won and the others couldn't see him. But I could very well see his face, and he looked so mad that it was almost terrifying. I tried to walk up to him, but someone grabbed my shoulder. The action made me jump and I turned around. Behind me I saw what I guessed was a soldier from Hiryuu castle because of the armor. 

"King Soo won, do you know this person? Is she a threat?" The soldier asked, eyeing me suspiciously and tightened his grip on my shoulder. I flinched and looked at Soo won, who still hadn't said anything. By now, Yoon has come up next to Hak and his worry for me started getting attention from the four dragons. I realized that the situation was not good at all. Guen-Tae was asking a lot of questions, Soo won was speaking with Joo doh - who was starting to call for more guards, Hak was at his boiling point and soldiers had started gathering around us.

To stop the situation from getting worse (Which actually had the opposite effect), I broke loose from the soldiers grip and ran towards Hak and Yoon. Small stones in my way made me trip and fall into Yoon who caught me. I looked up at him and then at the soldier that had held me, who was now unsheathing his sword along with some other soldiers. I looked at Soo won, who was about to order them to do something, but I was already ahead of him.

"Kija, Dark dragon! Clear a pathway for us! It's time for us to take our leave!" I said and looked at Kija. He nodded so I turned to Hak. I'll admit that calling by his nickname was a bit awkward, but it was better than having his identity revealed.

Hak was staring at Soo won with anger. I walked up to them and stood in between Hak and Soo won's horse. I turned to Hak and put my small hand on his large one, which had now taken a tight grip on his Quan Dao. My touch made him look at me.

"Hak, we're leaving before more guards come. If too many comes, we won't be able to fight them off at the same time as we fight off the fire tribe soldiers. All right?" I whispered, loud enough for him to hear. He hesitated a bit before nodding and helping Kija fight of some fire tribe soldiers. I gave Soo won one last glance before I pulled up my hood and disappeared in the crowd with Zeno and Yoon at my sides.

I could hear the screams of people in pain. Dead bodies were laying around us. I had to cover my ears and close my eyes in order to not throw up from the sight. I could feel Zeno put his hand on my back in order to help me through the crowd by guiding me. I could hear the sound of hoofs behind me, so I guessed Soo won left with the two generals.

Soo won POV

Seeing Aria left me with mixed feelings.

Is she not who she says she is?

I also saw Hak, which surprised me. I knew that he knew her, but to go to war for her? That's some dedication.

I can do that too

I felt myself blush. What was that?!

"Hey, king Soo won! Are we doing this or what?" Guen-Tae's voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I quickly hid my blush by turning away from him.

"Yes. We need to find Soo-Jin and catch him" I said and turned to where Aria and her group had been before. To my surprise, I saw Soo-Jin not to far away from there.

"Soo-Jin!" I shouted at him, making him turn around. He looked at me before slowly lifting up a bow and taking an arrow. I froze.

"King Soo won!" I heard Joo doh behind me, but in front of me I saw Guen-Tae, trying to shield me and stop Soo-Jin from shooting the arrow.

"Die, you fake king!" Soo-Jin shouted, but he didn't let the arrow go. Instead, a spear came out of his stomach, along with lots of blood. My eyes widened and I let out a breath. Soo-Jin coughed up some blood before falling backwards, revealing the soldier who had stabbed him from behind. The soldier fell to his knees and held his head in his hands.

"...L-Lord Kan are no longer the king Hiryuu we adored..." He spoke with a voice coated with fear and exhaustion.

"K-Kyouga...Tae...jun" Soo-Jin said before falling into an eternal slumber.

So basically I've started watching Arslan Senki way more dand I'm thinking about writing a fan fiction about it. I'll post the description I'm thinking about:

15, almost sixteen year old Serenity have always lived as a normal girl in the company of her father, her mother and her loyal bird Akatsuki in the outskirts of town. She has long, slightly wavy blonde hair with beautiful hazelnut eyes. She also has a strange birthmark on her throat that kind of looks like a feather, but she has always loved birds so it doesn't bother her.

But her normal high school life turns upside down when during her training with Akatsuki, a thick fog spreads around her and strange people call out for her. Then, she finds herself in an unfamiliar world over a thousand years back in time! But being from another world is a special thing, and that is proven when she is hunted down by kings, princes and lords who all wants a  newly awoken, mysterious power that has slept inside of her for 15 years.

Luckily, she meets prince Arslan and his group that lets her join them in exchange for her help in restoring the kingdom of Pars. But is a group of seven people able to defend one person from thousands of troops and believers?


But if I'm going to write it, I'll finish this book first so tell me what you think :))

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