Chapter #53: Plans

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Aria POV

I was holding Lili's hand and helping her walk through the woods. Both of us were very tired from walking all night, but Lili was on the verge of collapsing. She was coughing and breathing heavily. I stopped and she bumped into me.

"I'm...sorry" She whispered since she was to tired to speak properly. I smiled.

"It's fine. Are you okay?" I asked her. She closed her eyes and breathed.

"...I'm fine..."

"Let's rest here for a while before continuing" I said and helped her sit down next to a tree. I sat down next to her and leaned on the tree. I sighed and all of a sudden felt something hit my head. I let out a sound of surprise and looked at the object that hit my head.

"The fruit from the tree! Thank you, Ao!" I said and smiled at Ao.


"I wonder what kind of fruit this is. I don't think it's poisonous...If only I could draw some liquid out" I muttered and bit into the fruit. The taste was sour, this fruit clearly wasn't ready to be eaten yet. But we should still be able to eat it.

"Lili, here..." I said and gave her the fruit, but she didn't take it.

" someone...stabbed..." She sobbed. My smile faded.

"Lili, if you hadn't done that, I would've died. You saved me. But, for now, forget that and rest up. I'll think of a plan..." I said and hugged her. A few minutes later, she was breathing softly, indicating that she was sleeping. I picked up a nearby stick and started sketching up a plan.

Assuming that Soo won comes here with soldiers from the wind tribe— Wait, no, scratch that. He's not the type to do that... Soo won would most likely take as few soldiers as possible as to not seem suspicious. So he'll probably be able to see if someone sneaks into their force, which means I can't take that way.

To take the fast and dangerous way or the slow but safe way....what should I do?

I gripped my dad's necklace and thought of an idea, but I couldn't think of one. did I get here again? I got my blood on the necklace. If I do that again and get back to my world, I can get some kind of weapon there and then go back to this world! But...

I looked down at Lili. Can I take her with me? I don't think so...

I carefully shook her awake and she slowly opened her eyes. I smiled at her.

"Lili, I have a plan. It's going to sound insane, but I need you to trust me on this one" I said and she nodded. I took a deep breath and told her the plan.

"First off, I need you to get captured by those soldiers"

Tetora POV

"Ah—This is good tea. Thank you, Miss Tetora" King Soo won said.

His majesty stayed in Tousui after that and took no further action. Although he seems to have discussed something with Lord Joo doh and the others. But they should have already given up on saving Lady Lili. Lord Joo doh looks like he's in a bad mood as well.

"...too slow" He suddenly said.

"Eh?" I asked in confusion when someone walked in through the door.

"Hey, Hey, I rode here on horseback as fast as I could. Chi'shin is far away from this town, you know" A brown haired, tanned man said.

The earth tribe's general, Guen-Tae?!

"General Guen-Tae, thank you very much for making such a long journey"

"It was nothing. If your majesty orders it, a little toil like that isn't even worth mentioning" General Guen-Tae said and bowed in respect.

Why is general Guen-Tae....

"Anyway, what's the situation right now, General Yoon-Gi?" He asked general Yoon-Gi.

"Apparently, not only Lili, but Lady Aria have been kidnapped to Sei. Lady Aria sent a letter that his majesty received a few days ago, but considering the timing, according to Tetora, Aria was able to foresee their kidnapping and sent a letter asking for his majesty and the wind tribe's support...I never thought we'd have to borrow you strength, Guen-Tae"

"Lili was kidnapped to Sei, right? I won't be counting any 'favors' with you. But Lady Aria was taken too? And she sent a letter to King Soo won for his support?"

"She sent one to Lord Hak and her friends as well, but she probably instructed the merchant to release the bird with that message a bit after the festival. We received it sometime after the festival. But she didn't say the name of the other person she sent the other letter too, so we assumed she sent it to you, General Yoon-Gi" I said and looked at Lord General Yoon-Gi. Everyone in the room tensed up a bit at the mentioning of Lord Hak's name.

"The thunder beast? Is that perhaps the reason for asking for the wind tribe's support?"

"Perhaps it is. Or she just wanted someone she knows well by her side" A new face said. I turned to the source of the voice. 2 males and an older man entered the room.

Is that the general of the wind tribe and the wind tribe's hero, Lord Mun-deok?!!

"The wind tribe has answered your summoning and arrived" Lord Mun-deok said and bowed in front of his majesty, along with the general and the third young man.

"Thank you very much for coming" King Soo won said and smiled.

"I didn't think you were gonna show up" Lord Guen-Tae said with a surprised expression.

"Yoon-Gi's daughter was kidnapped after all, and so was Lady Aria, who has lent us her aid many times before in Awa, the fire tribe's rebellion and the Nadai problem in Sensui. She, along with the water tribe, deserves our aid" Lord Mun-deok said. Lord Guen-Tae looked surprised.

"In Awa? I guess I'll have to thank her when I see her" He said and looked thoughtful.

"I'm truly grateful for your words of concern, Lord Mun-deok"

In other words...Lord Hak's tribe is going to help save Lady Lili!!

"You're okay with this, right, General Joo doh?" King Soo won asked and turned to Joo doh.

"...yes. But his majesty must never rush in first. The battle will be handled by us" He answered. I smiled.


The sky, wind and earth tribes's generals, the hero Lord Mun-deok and his majesty. Such a terrifyingly strong force!! This group is the best chance we've got to bring Lady Lili and Lady Aria back!

But, Lord Hak will...


No Riverdale today :(

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