Chapter #15: Preparations

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Soo won POV

Me and Kye-Sook were discussing the war when a messenger came in.

"Lord Guen-Tae and Lord Joo doh are here now, King Soo won" The messenger said and bowed.

"Thank you, please lead me to them" I said with a smile. The messenger bowed once again and started walking towards the meeting room. When I opened the door, Joo doh and Guen-Tae were talking to each other but stopped when I walked in.

"Lord Guen-Tae, Lord Joo doh, welcome to Hiryuu castle" I said with a smile. Joo doh bowed and Guen-Tae eyed me. I turned to him with a confused smile.

"Is something the matter, Lord Guen-Tae?" I asked him and he looked at me.

"Nothing, please tell me what is happening?" He asked me.

"All right, it's about the fire tribe"

Both of them looked at me oddly.

"We need to prepare for war against the fire tribe"

Aria POV

We walked for a while until we found a man that gave us some horses. When we counted them, we realized that there were 7 of us, but only 5 horses. Immediately, we got into an argument about who would take which horse.

"I think I should ride alone because my skills in riding are perfection" I said with confidence.

"Does that go for all kinds of riding or just horses?" Jea-ha said and winked with a smirk. I looked at him the "what-the-fuck-is-wrong-with-you"- look before walking up to a horse. I got ready to jump up when someone did it before me. Surprised, I fell backwards and hit the ground face first.

I looked up at the person who had caused me to fall backwards. Smirking down at me was Hak.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I asked him.

"A lady shouldn't swear" He told me and reached out his hand for me to take. I looked at it before getting up from the ground.

"I want to ride. Move" I told him and crossed my arms. We stared at each other before he somehow grabbed my wrist, dragged me up on the horse and placed me in front of him. I gasped at the action and grabbed the horse's mane. I felt him lean forward so that my back touched his chest. His hands took the reins and kept me in between them and his body.

"There, now we can leave" He whispered in my ear. His voice was smooth and gentle and for some reason it made me blush.

"Alright, let us leave!" I said loud and clear. Then, we started riding.

Of to war

Third Person POV

Patrolling strong and proud towards Hiryuu castle was the fire tribe troops and the Kai troops, lead by General Kan Soo-Jin of the fire tribe and Li Hazara of Kai. With their many troops and their goal set on Hiryuu castle and King Soo won's head, victory for Hiryuu castle seemed impossible.

That is what the General Kan Soo-Jin thought with a smirk while he lead his men into battle. But his smirk turned into a look of surprise when he spotted a large amount of people on the horizon. In the middle of the people stood the man that the general had came for. He smirked once again.

King Soo won


Some days before I ended seventh grade, we (me and my class) were at a cold ass park in the cold ass weather and we were just sitting in the sand, hugging each other.

Oh and a guy in my class won a free hot chocolate for me :))

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