Chapter #25: Nadai

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Aria POV

I just finished my dinner and Jea-ha is not here yet. For every minute that passes, I feel my stomach turn.

I'm such a fucking idiot, why did I leave him there when I thought something was wrong?

I started braiding small strands of my hair to try and calm myself down.

No, Jea-ha is strong. He can manage...

-is what I tried to think.

"What if something happened?" I said while finishing my third braid. Kija and Zeno, who had been talking about something, turned to me.

"What are you talking about, Aria?" I heard Kija say.

"Jea-ha. He said that he would be back by dinner, but he's not here yet" I explained while undoing all my braids and standing up.

"We should look for him" I said to my group. Hak looked at me.

"That guy will be fine, calm down" He said. I stared at him before walking into town. I heard everyone behind me and smirked.

It always works

Once they caught up with me, I started showing them the way to the building. When we arrived, Hak and Kija were the first ones to speak.

"That pervert. Of course he would be here" Hak said and eyed the building suspiciously.

"To think he would bring his master to a place like this, how infuriating!" Kija said and crossed his arms over his chest. I couldn't help but smile.

"Alright, we should look inside for Jea-ha" I said and pushed the door open to go inside. Once inside, I was met with the disgusting smell of alcohol that almost gave me a headache. I cringed and walked up to a man sitting by a small table.

"Uh, hi. My friend came here some hours ago and he's probably really drunk, so me and my friends were going to get him. Which room is he in?" I asked the man. He smirked and looked at Hak and the others.

"Sorry, I can't tell you that. I will tell you if you book a room here" He said. I stared at him with disbelief.

"What do you mean you can't tell us that?" I asked him. His smirk grew bigger and I saw him reach under the table.

"Damn, you're such an infuriating woman" He said and drew out a dagger from under the table which he pointed at my throat. A second later, he was laying half dead on the floor.

"Now, we need to find Jea-ha" I said and walked to the closest room. I opened it and saw that it was empty. I walked to the next one and saw Jea-ha unconscious on the floor with three women around him. One of them looked more scared than the others. I saw one of the women take out a dagger and try to go at me. I blocked her attack with my sword and pushed her back into the room.

"Guys, I found—" I was interrupted when the other woman placed a dagger at my throat. She pressed it closer and closer until I started bleeding. I gritted my teeth and tried to push her back, but someone was ahead of me. Shin-ah pushed her down and was about to stab her with his sword.

"Shin-ah, don't kill her!" I half screamed at him. He stopped right before his sword touched the woman's heart. I ran up to Jea-ha and tried to wake him up.

"Jea-ha!" I shook his body, but he didn't wake up.

"Shin-ah, help—" I saw a white dragon arm reach over me and pick Jea-ha up. Kija threw Jea-ha over his shoulder.

"Thank you again, Kija. Let's go and find the others"


"My medicine isn't working that well..." Yoon said nervously. I sat on the ground and pulled out small pieces of grass. I pulled my legs up and hugged them

"So this is Nadai, huh?" I muttered. I leaned my head against the tree and closed my eyes. I could hear everyone's voices in the background.

"Aria—What happened to him?!" I heard Lili say, shocked. My eyes shot up and I looked at Lili. She, Ayura and Tetora were looking at Jea-ha with shocked expressions.

"Lili! What are you doing here?" I faked a smile. She looked at me.

"Was it Nadai?" She asked and my smile faded. I nodded and covered my face with my knees.

Come on Aria, get your shit together. He's not going to die.

"Why are you here Lili?" I pulled up my head and looked at her.

"Eh,well, I was wondering if you wanted to stay at this inn I often go to. It has hot springs and they can probably help your friend there" I looked at her and smiled.

"Really? That's so nice of you Lili! Thank you!" I stood up and hugged her. She stiffened at my touch but hugged me back.



My back hurts 😭😭

Right now we are going to have a small test in German, and I feel like it's going to go well

But then again, every time I think that it does the exact opposite

Edit: Just realized I've spelled Nadai wrong this whole time, fvck me

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