Chapter #5: A memory (Aria's Past - Special)

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Hey guys, so this is a special chapter dedicated to Aria and her past. Her past is mostly about her when she was younger and about her father. Just remember that since this is about her past, it means that this chapter takes place around 10 years ago, so when Aria was 6 years old

I hope you enjoy this special as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Aria POV, ten years ago

"Aria, come here for a second" I heard my father's voice behind me and instantly turned around. He was looking at me with a warm smile while holding a necklace in one of his hands and a flower in the other. I giggled and ran up to him.

"Here" He said and patted the ground next to him. I sat down next to him and looked at the necklace in his hand. He chuckled and put the necklace around my neck. I took it in my hand and looked at it. It had a key on it and some red crystals. It also had a dragon. I gasped when the dragon lit up.
A small dragon came out of the necklace and flew around me and my dad. The dragon was white and it looked at me curiously. My dad chuckled.

"That is Guen" He said. I nodded and looked at the necklace, which was shining again. Out of the necklace came a small blue dragon and then a green one. The blue one was a bit shy, and the green one flew around and played with the white one.

"That is Abi and Shuten" My father explained. My necklace lit up again and another small dragon, this time a yellow one, flew out and sniffed the air and then me. I held out my hand and the dragon flew around it, making me chuckle. My dad also chuckled and held out his own hand. The dragon flew around it.

"This is Zeno. He, Guen, Abi and Shuten are the four dragons" He told me. I gasped when they flew up and stood next to each other.

"The four dragons! Like in daddy's story!" I exclaimed. My dad nodded.

"That necklace is a very special necklace. Daddy does not want you to lose it, okay?" He said with a serious tone. I nodded.

"Why is daddy's necklace special?" I asked him. He smiled and was about to say something, but my mom shouted that dinner was ready. He shouted that we were coming. I watched sadly as the dragons flew back I to the necklace and disappeared. My dad smiled at me and helped me up from the ground.

"Don't worry Aria, one day,

You will meet them again"

Aria POV

2 years after my father told me that, he disappeared.

Me and my mom didn't know what to do. She was devastated, and so was I. But deep inside of me, I knew that he wasn't gone. He was just far away. Beyond our reach. A small hope inside of me always told me that. So I never cried.

My friends in school were also sad. They had known him as the kind father that every kid wanted. He was like a second father to them.

I knew that he was coming back. He would never leave us.

-is what I thought.

The years that passed after his disappearance, the hope inside slowly fainted away. It was like his presence was fading. It was like he was dying.

Until it one day disappeared completely.

I remember that I cried all night and day when that happened. My mom couldn't understand why I was crying. I missed school and it got to the point where we had to get a therapist for me. Someone I could talk to. It helped a lot, and I finally started attending school again.

My friends had missed me, and they did a ton of things to cheer me up. One of my friends, Haley, got me into anime. That led to many marathon nights with me and my friends. My mom was always annoyed with our constant talk about some hot anime boy called Levi or Sebastian. But I knew that she was happy that I was happy.

My fun days continued year after year, and now that I'm sixteen I'm still happy. My father and the four dragons that came out of my necklace are a faint memory to me. I'm sure that he just used some dragon toys. But I still wore that necklace everyday, as a memory of my father. And the names Guen, Abi, Shuten and Zeno became special names also no with my father's;


Sorry if it was too short, I had a plan for Aria and I just wrote it down. I started a late night and continued and early morning buuut I hope you like it.

Oh and chapter 7 will come out on Thursday as usual, this chapter is just a bit late haha

Anyway thanks for reading 🙏

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