Chapter #22: The water tribe

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-Timeskip for a few days-

Aria POV

After the whole scale incident, we went to the water tribe. Hak had told me that the water tribe was known for being very beautiful. When he told us that, me and Jea-ha both wanted to go there. That's something I love about Jea-ha, both of us love the beautiful things in life.

When we reached the water tribe it was pretty, but something seemed...of.

"Hey, doesn't something feel...wrong? Is it always like this Hak?" I asked Hak and he turned to me.

"It was a long time since I last was here, I guess the years made an impact on the tribe"He answered.

"Enough talk about that, we need to find a place to stay at" Yoon told us. I nodded.

"Alright, what if we split into two groups and look for an inn? It will go faster, and then we'll have time to go sightseeing!" I proposed and everyone agreed. So we split into two groups;

Me, Yoon, Kija and Zeno.

Hak, Shin-ah and Jea-ha.

We decided that when we found an available inn, two would stay at the inn and the rest would go look for the others. Our groups went two different ways to start looking. However, I couldn't help but feel...watched.


I watched the mysterious woman disappear into the town with three of her mysterious friends. What is she doing here? Is she dangerous?...

Is she here to help?

I couldn't help but to think back to this morning, and to the incident with my father.

- Flashback -

"Lili, a no is a no"

I felt anger build up inside of me. How can he?!

"How can you just turn your back on the water tribe like this?! Please father, assign guards to look into the Nadai drug problem!" I pleaded but father just looked at me with a stern look.

"Lili, do not talk about things like you understand everything when you don't know anything about them. Now go back to your room" He answered with a monotone tone while I gritted my teeth. Suddenly, an idea came to mind.

"Father, can't you ask for His majesty or Lord Guen-Tae's help? Or that girl his majesty told you about?!" I exclaimed. Father looked at me once again.

"I will not ask any of them. His majesty all ready has a lot on his hands because of the whole fire tribe situation. Guen-Tae is out of the question. As for Destiny..." Father stopped to think about it for a second. Perhaps he's going to say yes?! I smiled hopefully.

"...No one really knows a lot about her, much less where she is. We don't even know if she's someone we can trust. According to rumors she's traveling with Son Hak, who is said to have killed the late king. However, if we can get in contact with her, we could use her help. But until then, I want you in your room at all times. If you want to go outside, take Ayura and Tetora" Father finished. My smile faded as I stomped towards my room.

- End of flashback -

I did take Ayura and Tetora with me, but I lost them on the way here. As a bonus, I also scratched my cheek when I went to hide behind a house. I sigh and turn around to look for Ayura and Tetora when a boy with blond hair and green eyes stares back at me. I screech in surprise.

"Why is miss spying on Zeno and his friends?" He asks me with a goofy smile. I look behind him and see the woman from before.

"S-spying? I-i wanted to see what all of you were doing in the water tribe..." I said stared back at them. Ayura, Tetora! Where are you?!

"I see. I guess these cloaks are pretty suspicious" The woman says and takes of her hood.

"Who are you?" She asked me with a warm smile.

"Lili..." I tell her and hope that she doesn't know who I am.

"Hi Lili, I'm Destiny" She says and reaches her hand out for me to shake.


Yo yo yo
Coming in with that cow belly flow

^^I don't know either^^

But thank you all so much for 20 followers!! Brings light to my day, especially since school is very difficult right now with tests every week and stuff, but enough about that.

Have a great day everyone :)

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