Chapter #2: The meeting at the cliff

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Aria POV

The next day, I went out to look for breakfast. I went there before the others woke up so that it could be a surprise. Although I did leave a note, otherwise Yoon, Hak and especially Kija would go crazy.

I pushed an annoying branch out of my way and walked forward. In front of me was a cliff. I went up to the edge of the cliff and looked down. It wasn't a very deep one, only two to three meters. But if you fell from this cliff, there would be another one that was way deeper.

A fall from there would be fatal, so I need to be careful.

All of a sudden, an arrow shot out from somewhere and made a cut on my right cheek. The arrow surprised me so much that I fell down from the first cliff. I screamed as I fell and silenced myself when I hit the ground. I tried to get up immediately but I fell down due to a massive pain in my leg. I looked down and gasped.
A 15 centimeter cut spread itself out on my leg while blood was trickling down. I touched it but I drew my hand away immediately due to the pain. I was preparing to scream for help when I saw a ton of officials in armor walk up to me and surround me. I look at them suspiciously and then a man comes out. He looks slightly better dressed than the officials, so I guessed he was their leader. Or some kind of nobility. He was pretty young and looked very strong and kind of handsome.

"Who the hell are you?" I hissed at him, guessing that he was the one behind the arrow. An official started interfering and trying to push me down for being rude, but the man stopped him.

"Could you by any means be....Destiny?" He asked me and I just looked at him. He must know Soo won, since I've only identified myself as Destiny in front of him. I nodded and gave him a half smile.

"You must know Soo won then" I said and he smiled.

"My father knows him. My name is Kan Tae-Jun, son of the general of the fire tribe" He said and my eyes widened. The spoiled one?

"Wow" was all I could say and he chuckled. He then looked at my leg and his eyes widened. He went up to me and touched my leg, making me wince.

"You need medical attention. I will take you to the castle, the maids can help you there" He said and started to order his guards around. I panicked. If he takes me there, then my big mouth will probably start talking about Hak and then they'll go after him!

"No, no, I'm fine. Really" I said and laughed awkwardly, but to no avail. Tae jun picked me up and carried me to his horse. He put me on the horse and then jumped up himself.

"We're going to Hiryuu Castle to see King Soo won!" He shouted to his men. They answered with a "Yes Lord Tae-Jun" and then we started riding towards Soo won.

- Timeskip -


I woke up and saw that Aria was gone, so I started looking for her. While looking around, I saw that Aria had left a note. I picked it up and started to read it.

Hey Hak and everyone else!

Since all of you are probably exhausted after the long journey, especially Jea-ha since I made him carry me (sorry not sorry), I decided that I would be in charge for breakfast. So please rest and recover, you too Mother! You can expect me back at dawn and if I'm not back by then you can come looking for me

Best wishes, Anonymous :) (Aria)

I folded the letter and left it on the ground, where I found it. Then, I sat down and waited for everyone to wake up so we could look for Aria. I looked at the sky.

Dawn should be coming in around half an hour.


I just realized that Tae-Jun is kind of OOC

Oh well

I don't really have much to say, we're watching a pretty boring movie in class :( I'd rather be outside :))

wow I sound so old lmao

Anyway, thanks for reading :)) Bye 👋

Next chapter: Chapter #3: Lost and found

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