Chapter #33: No trust

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Aria POV

Before we went our separate ways, we got to know that ships were on their way to reach the port. We hurried over to a place full of fishermen and ministers and stuff, I didn't really pay attention to anything.

Except Soo won.

I can't be too careful around him. While he might not do anything in front of a lot of people, he probably wouldn't hesitate to kill someone in private.

I was ripped out of my thoughts when I felt someone glare at me. I looked over to Soo won, but he was looking somewhere else. My instincts were telling me to move, so I quickly walked away but felt something graze my arm. I looked down and saw that an arrow had slightly cut my arm through the fabric. It didn't bleed much, but it stings.

"Archers! Get down!" Zeno said and got down in front of me. I hugged him and saw a shadow cover us.

Soo won?!

Joo doh got in front of Soo won and cut the incoming arrows in two. I tried to cover my arm with my hand, but Soo won beat me to it. He ripped off a piece of his cape and wrapped around my arm gently like a bandage.

Stop it Soo won. You're going to make me feel guilty

"There" He said and smiled.

"Thank you..." I said and touched the bandage lightly. Soo won stood up and reached his hand out for me to take. I ignored him and stood up.

"No thank you" I said. Joo doh looked pretty mad that I had been rude to his majesty. I rolled my eyes and looked for more enemies. I could hear Joo doh and Soo won talk about something, and then they split up.

I took out an arrow and got ready to charge it when Soo won got up behind me. He took my arm.

"Back off" I growled.

Okay, maybe that was a bit too much

"Stop. Your arm and your back needs to rest. These things don't heal overnight" He said. I looked at him dumbfounded.

"What would you know? You didn't even know about my back until, like, not even an hour ago. I'll do whatever I want" Soo won's expression darkened.

"I don't appreciate this attitude you've developed" He hissed. I almost laughed.

He doesn't appreciate my attitude :(

"Too bad" I said and walked away. He turned around and charged for a man on some

"Is miss okay?" I heard Zeno behind me. I turned around to face him and smiled.

"I'm fine Zeno, just a little....childish?"

"Does miss not trust those people?" Zeno asked, surprising me.

"" I said quietly.

"Not trusting someone isn't childish, Miss. They just have to earn the trust they lost. But that also means that Miss has to give them a chance" My eyes widened at his comment. I smiled again.

"Thank you, Zeno" I said and smiled

Another man came up behind Soo won. I charged an arrow and pointed it at the man. Joo doh went up to me, he probably thought I was going to shoot Soo won.

"Calm down" I said and released the arrow, succesfully killing the man behind Soo won. Soo won looked at me, surprised. I just walked away.

I need to get my act together. Stop being bitchy towards Soo won and Joo doh. This doesn't help the people who are actually hurting (yeah nice that u realize that now)

"Please refrain from doing that, it could worsen both of your injuries...." Joo doh said awkwardly. I turned around to eye him suspiciously.

"Please don't waste your time talking to me. Help your king" I said and Joo doh looked surprised but nodded understanding. We continued fighting the addicts until they stopped moving.

"Finally it's over..." Lili said and sighed in relief. I sighed too and sat down next to a wall. I could see something in the corner of my eye and quickly stood up, alarming everyone.

"I'm afraid it's not over yet, Lili" I said and eyed the people in front of me.

Hiyou...and even more drug addicts. This is bad. I'm at my limit and I don't know about Joo doh, but Soo won and Zeno are looking pretty tired.

"We meet again, woman" Hiyou said with a smirk, his voice was laced with venom.

"I would say that it's a small world, but considering the circumstances..." I said and smirked.

"I want to say that I had hoped the cut killed you, but I'm afraid I wanted that pleasure for myself" He said and two addicts ran towards me. I feel to my knees and panted slightly.

"Aria!" I heard Soo won and the screams of people in pain. I looked and saw many familiar backs.

"Jea-ha, Kija!" My voice got their attention and Jea-ha kneeled down to my level.

"What are you two doing here?" I asked them. Jea-ha pointed to the ocean and I saw ships burning. Hiyou gasped in shock.

"T-that's impossible! Those were at least 15 ships!" Hiyou said and stepped back. I smirked weakly and slowly stood up. Shin-ah appeared behind me so I leaned on him. I thanked him and he nodded. A sudden thought came to mind. I forced myself away from Shin-ah and walked towards Hiyou while looking around.

Is Hak here? Where is he? He can't be seen here!

"C-curse you...die, you cursed woman!" Hiyou shouted while running towards me. Zeno got in front of me but I looked Hiyou in the eye and felt that feeling from Port Awa return. But then a large shadow covered me and Zeno and the sound of flesh being cut into. My eyes widened at the man in front of me.



This chapter was worse written than I thought.

And I only have one more chapter that is done for posting so I NEED to write

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